Sunday, October 13, 2013


1. Place one of the words or phrases in the box into the gaps in the sentences.

  pull your socks up      roll up our sleeves      shirty       wears the trousers      belt up
  take your hat off to     booted out     tighten our belts    with kid gloves   in your shoes

(A)  John likes to think he’s in control, but it’s really his wife who _________________________ (is in control) in their house.
(B)  Don’t get ____________________ (annoyed) with me. It’s not my fault.
(C)  I wouldn’t like to be ________________________ (in your situation) when Mum finds out it was you who broke the window.
(D)  You’ll have to _____________________ (make a greater effort) and work much harder if you want to pass the exam.
(E)   The police caught them fighting and they were ___________________ (ejected from) the football ground.
(F)   If we’re going to get this work finished we’ll have to ___________________ (prepared to work harder).
(G)  Look will you just ___________________ (keep quiet). I don’t want to hear another word from you.
(H)  We’ve got very little money left to spend so we’ll have to _____________________ (stop using so much).
(I)     Stop treating your children __________________________ (so leniently). You have to show them real  discipline if they want to learn.
(J)    You’ve got to ________________________ (admire) John. He really knows how to pass exams.

2. Choose a word from the box to put into the spaces in the sentences.

   dogging   donkey     guinea pigs        aping        coward    horsing     pig     lion    parroting      
   ratted       wolf          monkeying        crocodile

(A)   The problem with GM food is that no one really knows their effect on people. We are being
        used as _____________________.
(B)    I’m fed up with ___________________ what they say. I want to express my own opinion.
(C)    We used to work together, but then he ________________ on me  and I lost my job.
(D)   The bank said that they really regretted taking my house to pay off the loan, but I didn’t believe them. They’re just crying ____________________ tears.
(E)    I don’t see the difference between this new government and the last one. They’re just ________________ what they did.
(F)     Typical! You just sit around relaxing and leave me to do all the _______________ work.
(G)   This problem has been _______________ me ever since I was a teenager.
(H)   Don’t ________________ down your food so quickly. You’ll get a stomach ache.
(I)      He threatened me but I’m not a _____________________ at all. I won’t let him hurt me.
(J)      Who’s been ___________________ around with the DVD player? Nothing is working.
(K)   I did most of the work so I should get the ________________ share of the money.
(L)    Can you children stop _________________ around here? You’ll break something. Why don’t you go outside and play?



(A)    John likes to think he’s in control, but it’s really his wife who wears the trousers (is in   
control) in their house.
(B)  Don’t get shirty (annoyed) with me. It’s not my fault.
(C)  I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes (in your situation) when Mum finds out it was you    
        who broke the window.
(D)  You’ll have pull your socks up (make a greater effort) and work much harder if you
        want to pass the exam.
(E)  The police caught them fighting and they were booted out (ejected from) the football  
(F)   If we’re going to get this work finished we’ll have to roll up our sleeves (prepared to
        work harder).
(G)  Look will you just belt up (keep quiet). I don’t want to hear another word from you.
(H)  We’ve got very little money left to spend so we’ll have to tighten our belts  (stop using   
        so  much).
(I) Stop treating your children with kid gloves (so leniently). You have to show them  real  discipline if they want to learn.
(J)  You’ve got to take your hat off to  (admire) John. He really knows how to pass exams.


(A)  The problem with GM food is that no one really knows their effect on people. We are being
         used as guinea pigs.
       (B)   I’m fed up with parroting what they say. I want to express my own opinion.
       (C)   We used to work together, but then he ratted  on me  and I lost my job.
       (D)  The bank said that they really regretted taking my house to pay off the loan, but I didn’t               
         believe them. They’re just crying crocodile tears.
       (E)   I don’t see the difference between this new government and the last one. They’re just aping  
        what they did.
        (F)  Typical! You just sit around relaxing and leave me to do all the donkey work.
        (G)  This problem has been dogging  me ever since I was a teenager.
        (H)   Don’t wolf down your food so quickly. You’ll get a stomach ache.
        (I)    He threatened me but I’m not a coward at all. I won’t let him hurt me.
        (J)   Who’s been monkeying  around with the DVD player? Nothing is working.
        (K)  I did most of the work so I should get the lions share of the money.
        (L)  Can you children stop horsing around here? You’ll break something. Why don’t you go   
               outside   and  play?

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