Friday, October 11, 2013


Already is used to say that something has happened earlier than expected
    or earlier than it might have happened.

  "Hurry up Susan.  Breakfast is ready!"
  "I've already had breakfast thanks.  I woke up early."

   STILL :
Still is used to refer to continuing situations.

   "They've been married for 40 years and they still love each other."


 Always refers to something which happens regularly.

   "I always send cards at Christmas." 

   YET :  
Yet is used :

  To ask if something expected has happened :
 "Has the postman arrived yet?"     

   To say that something expected hasn't happened :
“The postman hasn't arrived  yet."


       1.   John moved to London 10 years ago and he __________ lives there.       
       2.   Julie ____________ walks to school.       
       3.    "What time is the accountant coming?"  "He's ____________ here."        
       4.   "I ordered a book last week.  Has it arrived __________?"       
       5.    Do you __________   take milk in your coffee?"        
6.      "I've been taking English lessons for 3 months but I __________ haven't made 
       much progress."       
7.       Emma only moved house last week and she __________knows her
8.      I ____________ save my files and turn off the computer before leaving the  
9.      Peter sent an application form two weeks ago but he __________ hasn't
      received a reply. 
      10. The manager resigned yesterday, but his resignation hasn't been officially
       announced __________.


1. John moved to London 10 years ago and he still lives there.
2. Julie always walks to school.
3. "What time is the accountant coming?" "He's already here!"
4. "I ordered a book last week. Has it arrived yet?"
5. Do you still take milk in your coffee?"
6. Emma only moved house last week and she already knows her neighbors!"
7. I always save my files and turn off the computer before leaving.
8. The manager resignation hasn't been officially announced yet.

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