Wednesday, January 29, 2014


1. Answer the Questions. Put the verbs in the box in the Present Perfect Continuous.

plan my holiday                 sit in the sun             clean              try them on        smoke cigars
decorate the bathroom       repair the car

(A)  “Why are your hands dirty?” ___________________________________________________
(B)  “The kitchen looks better.”   ___________________________________________________
(C)  “Why is his face red?” ________________________________________________________
(D)  “What are these brochures for?” ________________________________________________
(E)   “Why are their clothes covered in paint?”________________________________________
(F)   “What’s that terrible smell?” ___________________________________________________
(G)  “Why are all her winter clothes out?” ____________________________________________

2.  Make sentences in the present perfect continuous tense using the verbs given in the brackets. In the case of questions, the subject is also indicated in the brackets.

(A)  How long ____________________________________ (you wait) for?
(B)  We _____________________________________ in this street for twenty years. (live)
(C)  He__________________________________ in the garden since morning. (work)
(D)  It __________________________________________  since yesterday. (rain)
(E)    I _____________________________________ this laptop for three years. (use)
(F)  The workers ___________________________ higher wages for a long time. (demand)
(G)  The girl ________________________________________ her lessons. (learn)
(H)  The children _________________________________________ in the garden. (play)
(I)  ‘You look tired.’ ‘Yes, I _________________________________________’ (run)

(J)  Who _________________________________________ in my bed? (sleep)



1. Answer the Questions. Put the verbs in the box in the Present Perfect Continuous.

plan my holiday                 sit in the sun             clean              try them on       smoke cigars
decorate the bathroom       repair the car

(A)  “Why are your hands dirty?” Because I have been repairing the car.
(B)     “The kitchen looks better.”   I have been cleaning it.
(C)    “Why is his face red?”   Because he has been sitting in the sun.
(D)  “What are these brochures for?”    I have been planning my holiday
(E)   “Why are their clothes covered in paint?”   Because I have been decorating the bathroom.
(F) “What’s that terrible smell?”    Someone has been smoking cigars.
(G)  “Why are all her winter clothes out?” Because she has been trying them on.

2.     Make sentences in the present perfect continuous tense using the verbs given in the brackets. In the case of questions, the subject is also indicated in the brackets.
(A)  How long have you been waiting for?   (you wait)
(B)  We have been living in this street for twenty years.    (live)
(C)  He has been working in the garden since morning.    (work)
(D)  It has been raining since yesterday.     (rain)
         (E)  I have been using this laptop for three years.   (use)
(F)  The workers have been demanding higher wages for a long time. (demand)
(G)  The girl has been learning her lessons.   (learn)
(H)  The children have been playing in the garden.   (play)
(I)   ‘You look tired.’ ‘Yes, I have been running’   (run)
(J)   Who has been sleeping in my bed?    (sleep)

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