Here are the words for most of the parts of the body. How many can you
name? Write each word beside the picture above and draw a line to the body
part. (To see picture go to Pdf upload)
adam’s apple ankle arch arm armpit back big toe calf cheek |
chin collarbone crown ear elbow eye eyebrow eyelash eyelid |
forearm forefinger forehead hair hand head heel hip jaw |
knee knuckle leg lips little toe middle finger mouth muscle navel |
nose nostril palm pinkie rib ring finger shin |
stomach temple tendon thigh throat thumb upper arm waist wrist |
11. Place the words in the box into the gaps in the
eyes nose neck forehead head cheeks throat
This morning when I woke up I had a
________________ ache. I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. There
I saw that my _____________ and ________________ were red. My ________________
was also running and my ___________________ was warm. I also had a sore
______________and stiff
__________________. In fact I didn’t feel at all well and so I decided
to return to bed.
arms foot knees shoulders mouth shin
I love to play _____________ball. Before my team mates and I begin to
play, we do some warm up exercises. First we swing our ________________ around
in the air to loosen up our ___________________. After this we massage our
_________________ muscles on the back of our __________________. We then do
some sit ups, making sure to bend our __________________ both at the same time.
Once we have completed our warm up exercises we put on our protective
equipment. First we put _________________ pads down the front of our socks to
protect our legs and then put in ______________ guards to protect our teeth.

2. Read and practice the following conversation.
Hi! How are you?
Oh, not so good.
What’s the matter?
I have the flu.
Really? Have you taken anything for it?
No, not yet.
Well, do you know what you should do? Drink a hot cup of milk with two
capfuls of whiskey mixed into it.
Then go to bed.
3. Look at the health problems on the left and then match it with some
advice on the right.
a bad headache ……….
a sore throat ……….
a backache ……….
a cough ……….
a toothache ……….
fever ……….
a burn
the flu ……….
(A) Drink some
orange juice.
(B) Take some
(C) Buy some
(D) Take some
vitamin C.
Don’t lift anything heavy.
See the doctor.
(G) Go to bed
and rest.
(H) Don’t drink
a lot of coffee.
See the dentist.
Don’t exercise.
(K) Drink lots
of liquids.
Put some lotion on it.
4. Match the words and definitions.
(A) Drugstore
(B) Fever
(C) Hangover
(D) Indigestion
(G) Insomnia
…… a pain in your
stomach after eating.
…… an uncomfortable
feeling after
drinking too much alcohol.
…… something you take to cure an
…… a place where
you buy medicine.
…… a hot feeling
when you have a cold
or the flu.
…… difficulty
getting to sleep.
…… a cream used
mainly for burns and
other skin problems.
5. Place one of the words in the box into the gaps in the sentences.
finger backache skin
eyes back chest tooth
(A) I burned my
_________________ cooking dinner.
(B) I broke
my __________________ and had to go to
the dentist.
(C) Brian always
talks to much. He is a big _______________.
(D) I ate too
much last night. Now I have a _______________.
(E) My
______________ hurts when I breathe.
I picked up three heavy bags yesterday, and now I have a ______________.
(G) I hurt my
_______________ when I lifted the box of books.
(H) Your
_____________ look nice. Are you wearing contact lenses?
Have you been to the beach? Your face is sunburned and your
_______________ is red.
neck toothache hand throat legs
head flu muscles
headache ears
(A) Carol has a
beautiful necklace around her _________________.
(B) I have a sore
___________________. It
hurts when I swallow.
(C) Tim has
really big ___________________. He
always wears boots.
(D) The teacher
has the ___________________. She
can’t come to school today.
(E) I need to see
the dentist. I have a bad ________________________.
She usually wears two rings on her left ________________________.
(G) My head feels
terrible. I have a very bad _________________________.
(H) I need some
ear drops. I have a pain in my _________________________.
My ____________________________ feels
cold. I’ll put on my hat.
Sharon runs very fast. She has strong _________________________.
(K) I worked out
at the gym. Now my __________________________
are really sore.

Place the words in the box into the gaps in the
eyes nose neck forehead head cheeks throat
This morning when I woke up I had a headache. I went to the bathroom
and looked into the mirror. There I saw that my cheeks and eyes
were red. My nose was also
running and my forehead was
warm. I also had a sore throat
and stiff neck. In fact I
didn’t feel at all well and so I decided to return to bed.
arms foot knees shoulders mouth shin
I love to play football.
Before my team mates and I begin to play, we do some warm up exercises. First
we swing our arms around in
the air to loosen up our shoulders.
After this we massage our calf
muscles on the back of our legs.
We then do some sit ups, making sure to bend our knees both at the same time. Once we have completed our warm
up exercises we put on our protective equipment. First we put shin pads down the front of our
socks to protect our legs and then put in our mouth guards to protect our teeth.
3. Look at the health problems on the left and then match it with some
advice on the right. (More than one answer is possible).
a bad headache b,c,f,g
a sore throat c,f,k
a backache b,c,e,f,g,j
a cough c,f,k
a toothache i,c
(6) fever a,b,c,f,g,h,k
a burn f,l
the flu a,b,c,d,f,g,k
(A) Drink some
orange juice.
(B) Take some
(C) Buy some
(D) Take some
vitamin C.
(E) Don’t lift
anything heavy.
See the doctor.
(G) Go to bed
and rest.
(H) Don’t drink
a lot of coffee.
See the dentist.
Don’t exercise.
(K) Drink lots
of liquids.
(L) Put some lotion
on it.
4. Match the words and definitions.
(A) Drugstore
(B) Fever
(C) Hangover
(D) Indigestion
(G) Insomnia
(d) a pain in your stomach after eating.
(c) an uncomfortable feeling after
drinking too much alcohol.
(e) something you take to cure an
(a) a place where you buy medicine.
(f) a hot feeling when you have a
or the flu.
(g) difficulty getting to sleep.
(f) a cream used mainly for burns
other skin
5. Place one of the words in the box into the gaps in the sentences.
finger backache skin
eyes back chest tooth
(A) I burned my finger cooking dinner.
(B) I broke
my tooth
and had to go to the dentist.
(C) Brian always
talks to much. He is a big mouth.
(D) I ate too
much last night. Now I have a stomachache.
(E) My chest hurts when I breathe.
I picked up three heavy bags yesterday, and now I have a backache.
(G) I hurt my back when I lifted the box of
(H) Your eyes look nice. Are you wearing
contact lenses?
Have you been to the beach? Your face is sunburned and your skin is red.
neck toothache hand throat legs
head flu muscles
headache ears
(A) Carol has a
beautiful necklace around her neck.
(B) I have a sore
throat. It hurts when I
(C) Tim has
really big feet. He always
wears boots.
(D) The teacher
has the flu. She can’t come to
school today.
(E) I need to see
the dentist. I have a bad toothache.
She usually wears two rings on her left hand.
(G) My head feels
terrible. I have a very bad headache.
(H) I need some
ear drops. I have a pain in my ears.
My head feels cold.
I’ll put on my hat.
Sharon runs very fast. She has strong legs.
(K) I worked out
at the gym. Now my muscles are
really sore.
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