Wednesday, March 12, 2014


The third person singular is most often expressed by words such as he, she and it. But, in fact, any person, place, or thing in the singular form (for example house, dog or keyboard) other than the speaker and the addressee is referred to in the third person singular.

Grammar Rule:
  1. Most verbs add –s in the third person singular:
 wear  -  wears          speak  -  speaks          live - lives   work - works

                          But ‘go’ and ‘do’ are different. They add –es.
                                  go    -  goes          do    -  does
  1. If the verb ends in –s,-sh, or ch, add –es:
                           kiss   -  kisses        wash   -  washes          watch  -  watches
  1. If the verb ends in a consonant + y, the y does not change:
                             fly  -  flies          study  -  studies

                            But if the verb ends in a vowel + y, the y does not change.
                                    play    -   plays
  1. ‘Have’ is irregular:     have  -   has                           

Fill in the gaps with a suitable verb from the box above in the third person singular.

(A)  She ______________ in a bank.
(B)   He _______________ a uniform.
(C)   She’s a pilot. She _________________ all over the world.
(D)  Peter _________________ two children.
(E)   In winter Alice ________________ skiing and in summer she ______________ golf.
(F)    Bernadette ___________________ in a flat in Paris.
(G)  My son ______________________ television all day long!

(H)  My daughter __________________ her hair every day.


Fill in the gaps with a suitable verb in the third person singular.

(A)  She works in a bank.
(B)   He wears a uniform.
(C)   She’s a pilot. She flies all over the world.
(D)  Peter has two children.
(E)   In winter Alice goes skiing and in summer she plays golf.
(F)    Bernadette lives in a flat in Paris.
(G)  My son watches television all day long!
(H)  My daughter washes her hair every day.

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