Wednesday, September 23, 2015

THE IDEA (Intermediate) (EXERCISE I71E209)

Choose the correct missing word and put it into the gap.

Andy Wasnick loved the idea.
Mary Arthur  ________________________ it. Kurk
                    ( (i) heard    (ii) liked   (iii) needed    (iv) hated )
Mendez did not think it was any big deal.

Mr. El thought it was a brilliant idea. After all it was  _________________   idea!
                                                                                                      ( (i) that   (ii) no   (iii) her    (iv) his )
“It’s only fair,” Mr. El explained to his new fourth graders as they stood in line waiting for the lunch bell to ring, “that we turn things around. Every year you guys line up in alphabetical  ______________________. Alphabetical order to
                       ( (i) letters   (ii) soup    (iii) order   (iv) index )
go to lunch, to go to gym, to go home, and so on. This  ________________ we
                                                                                   ( (i) way   (ii) year   (iii) alphabet   (iv) is )
 are using the reverse order.”                   

Mindy Vale put her hand down as Mr. El pointed to her. “I’ve always had to stand at the  ________________ of the line, ever since _______________!
           ( (i) back   (ii) beginning   (iii) center    (d)  winner )       ( (i) breakfast   (ii) kindergarten  (iii) yesterday  (iv) tomorrow )
Now I will be near the front. Thank you, thank you!

The teacher smiled.

Then Christopher Cash, a serious and thoughtful young man called out. “Mr. El, I think you should reconsider this policy. This is very drastic and ____________.
                                                                      ( (i) useful  (ii) thoughtful   (iii) unnecessary  (iv) smart )
This could confuse our fragile young minds!”

“Put a lid on it, Chris!” shouted David Tyler.

“We won’t have any outbursts like that, David!” Mr. El said firmly. He turned toward Christopher. “Don’t _________________, Christopher. We only have
                                     ( (i) move   (ii) worry   (iii) scream  (iv) speak )
strong minds in class.”

“How many of you think this is a good idea?” Mr. El asked. As you would probably  ___________________, most of the hands that went up were in the
           ( (i) except    (ii) doubt   (iii) forget   (iv) review )
  _______________ half of the line.
  ( (i)   dumb   (ii) bright   (iii) angry     (iv)  back  )                                                                                                         


Choose the correct missing word and put it into the gap.

Andy Wasnick loved the idea.

Mary Arthur (ii) liked it. Kurk
                        ( (i) heard    (ii) liked   (iii) needed    (iv) hated )

Mendez did not think it was any big deal.

Mr. El thought it was a brilliant idea. After all it was  (iv) his  idea!
                                                                                           ( (i) that   (ii) no   (iii) her    (iv) his )
“It’s only fair,” Mr. El explained to his new fourth graders as they stood in line waiting for the lunch bell to ring, “that we turn things around. Every year you guys line up in alphabetical (iii) order 
                                                                                                 (i) letters   (ii) soup    (iii) order   (iv) index )
Alphabetical order to go to lunch, to go to gym, to go home,
 and so on. This (i) way we are using the reverse order.”                   
               (i) way   (ii) year   (iii) alphabet   (iv) is )          

Mindy Vale put her hand down as Mr. El pointed to her. “I’ve always had to stand at the  (i) back of
  ( (i) back   (ii) beginning   (iii) center    (d)  winner 
 the line, ever since (ii) kindergarten!)     
  ( (i) breakfast   (ii) kindergarten  (iii) yesterday  (iv) tomorrow )
Now I will be near the front. Thank you, thank you!

The teacher smiled.

Then Christopher Cash, a serious and thoughtful young man called out. “Mr. El, I think you should reconsider this policy. This is very drastic and (iii) unnecessay.
                                                                      ( (i) useful  (ii) thoughtful   (iii) unnecessary  (iv) smart )
This could confuse our fragile young minds!”

“Put a lid on it, Chris!” shouted David Tyler.

“We won’t have any outbursts like that, David!” Mr. El said firmly. He turned toward Christopher. “Don’t (ii) worry, Christopher. We only have strong minds in class.”
                                     ( (i) move   (ii) worry   (iii) scream  (iv) speak )

“How many of you think this is a good idea?” Mr. El asked. As you would probably (i)  expect, 
  ((i) expect (ii) doubt    (iii) forget (iv) review ) 
most of the hands that went up were in the (iv) back half of the line!
                          ( (i)  dumb (ii) bright (iii) angry  (iv)  back )

TO PRINT                                                                       

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