Saturday, November 21, 2015


1. The sentences below talk about the future. Put “P” by
     the sentence which expresses a prediction, “I” by those  
     which express an intention, and “D” by those which
     express a decision at the moment of speaking.

(A)   _________ Look at these clouds. It’s going to rain.
(B)   _________ We’re going to catch the two o’clock flight to Denver.
(C)   _________ I’ll carry your bags if you want.
(D)  _________ His train arrives at ten, so he’ll be here any minute.
(E)   _________ I’ll give you a ride into town if you’re ready.
(F)    _________ You’ll be late if you don’t hurry up.
(G)  _________ I’m going to buy Pete a present this afternoon.
(H)  _________ Wait here, I’ll be back in a minute.
(I)  _________ I am going to travel to New Zealand next year.
(J)  _________ If you go to the dairy for me, I will give you a dollar.
(K) _________ Let’s take the road on the right. If we do we will arrive sooner!
(M) ________  If the sun comes out, it will get very hot!
(N) _________ Our teacher has just suggested that we turn off our mobile phones  
                          during class. I am going to follow his suggestion.

2.      Match the sentences with the function they express.

a promise          a refusal               an offer                                           an invitation             a warning             a  prediction               a request  

(A)   I’ll come with you if you want.         _____________
(B)   We’ll take you to Disneyland for your 10th Birthday. _____________
(C)   Will you mail this for me if you are going out?    _________________
(D)  If you don’t hurry up, you’ll miss your flight.     __________________
(E)   No, thank you. I won’t join you.    ________________
(F)    I’m sure you’ll really enjoy the trip.   ________________
(G)  Will you come with us to the concert?  _______________

3.      Put the verb in the brackets into a suitable tense.

(A)   In twenty four hours’ time ________________________ (I relax) on my yacht.
(B)   By the time you get back Harry _________________________ (leave).
(C)   It’s only a short trip. I ___________________________ (be) back in a week.
(D)  What _________________________ (you do) this Saturday evening? Would
      you like to go out?
(E)   By the end of the week we ________________________ (decided) what to do.


1.    The sentences below talk about the future. Put “P” by
 the sentence which expresses a prediction, “I” by those  
 which express an intention, and “D” by those which
 express a decision at the moment of speaking.

(A)   “P” Look at these clouds. It’s going to rain.
(B)   “I”  We’re going to catch the two o’clock flight to Denver.
(C)   “I”  I’ll carry your bags if you want.
(D)  “P” His train arrives at ten, so he’ll be here any minute.
(E)   “D” I’ll give you a ride into town if you’re ready.
(F)    “P” You’ll be late if you don’t hurry up.
(G)  “I”  I’m going to buy Pete a present this afternoon.
(H)  “P” Wait here, I’ll be back in a minute. (* Will = not certain).
(I)   “I”  I am going to travel to New Zealand next year. (Going = certain).
(J)  “I”   If you go to the dairy for me, I will give you a dollar.
(K)  “D” Let’s take the road on the right. If we do we will arrive sooner!
(M) “P” If the sun comes out, it will get very hot!
(N)  “D” Our teacher has just suggested that we turn off our mobile phones  
                during class. I am going to follow his suggestion.

2.      Match the sentences with the function they express.

a promise             a refusal                  an offer                                   an invitation        a warning          a  prediction        a request  

(A)   I’ll come with you if you want.    An offer
(B)   We’ll take you to Disneyland for your 10th Birthday.  A promise
(C)   Will you mail this for me if you are going out?  A request
(D)  If you don’t hurry up, you’ll miss your flight.     A warning
(E)   No, thank you. I won’t join you.    A refusal
(F)    I’m sure you’ll really enjoy the trip.   A prediction
(G)  Will you come with us to the concert?   An invitation

3.      Put the verb in the brackets into a suitable tense.

(A)   In twenty four hours’ time I will be relaxing  (I relax) on my yacht.
(B)   By the time you get back Harry would have already left (leave).
(C)   It’s only a short trip. I going to be (be) back in a week.
(D)  What are you doing (you do) this Saturday evening? Would you like to go  
(E)   By the end of the week we would have decided (decided) what to do.

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