Saturday, December 19, 2015



James ran up to the shop window and peered in.

“My dividing rail is still here,” he joyfully proclaimed to no none in particular!

For months he had been saving every cent he could from his pocket money, and those hard won coins now weighed heavily in the pocket of his shorts.

As he stood there thinking of all the new possibilities the dividing rail would create for his clockwork train set something on the ground caught his attention. Just to the right of his left shoe he saw a ten cent coin lying on the pavement. James couldn’t believe his luck. Bending down he picked it up and after examining it put it in his pocket to join the other coins in his precious collection.

Moving forward to enter the shop, James saw another coin lying on the side walk. His heart leapt for joy.

“I had never been this lucky in all my nine years,” he thought to himself as he bent down!

He was just about to pick up this new find when a horrifying thought caused him to freeze. Carefully he put his hand into his coin laden pocket, and pushed it to the bottom of his collection. A finger entangled in a piece of broken thread and then touched the naked skin of his leg. He immediately recognized the ramifications!

In a state of shock, James sat down on the curb and carefully emptied his pocket. It was easy to see that the pile of coins on his lap was considerably smaller than it should have been. He began to count the remaining coins.

“Fifty, seventy, ninety-five,…..four dollars and forty, four dollars and seventy five, five dollars,” though the tears that were now blurring his vision James reached the end of his task.

He was three dollars and sixty five cents short!

James dejectedly retraced his steps home, hoping against hope to find at least one of his missing coins. Unfortunately he was not even able to recover even one! Once home, he went straight to his bedroom and threw himself down on his bed. His pillow was soon wet with tears.

“How can life be so unjust,” he sobbed!

As the weeks passed, James’ dividing rail savings began to grow once more. Then in December he received some excellent news. His Aunt Sally was coming to stay for Christmas. She always gave him a good Christmas gift, and so he began to think up ways of dropping “dividing rail” present hints.

When Aunt Sally finally arrived, James volunteered to show her to the visitors’ room. He sort of stayed while she unpacked. To his delight he soon discovered that Aunt Sally’s suitcase did not contain Christmas presents. This fact was confirmed a short time later when she invited James to go Christmas shopping with her.

Aunt Sally and James spent the afternoon going from shop to shop. When they eventually arrived at the toy shop, Aunt Sally asked James if there was anything he really wanted for Christmas. James eagerly pointed to the dividing rail in the window. His aunt smiled and asked him to wait outside with his eyes closed while she went into the shop to speak Father Christmas.

Aunty Sally came out of the toy shop a short time later carrying a large box wrapped in expensive Christmas paper. On the way home they played a silly guessing game called, “What do you think Father Christmas is going to bring you?” James played dumb. He was certain Aunty Sally had bought him the dividing rail and had had it wrapped in a large box to disguise the fact.

James woke early on Christmas morning and reorganized his trainset. He decreased the size of the circle and laid out the excess track in the form of a branch line. All he needed to was the dividing rail Aunt Sally was going to give him, to connect the branch line to the circle. He could hardly contain his excitement!

After breakfast everyone gathered around the Christmas tree. James’ mother insisted on first opening the presents which had arrived by post. Each packet contained a small remembrance and a long, once yearly newsletter from some relative that they never saw. James had no interest if some distant cousin had broken his arm in February, but had now make a full recovery, or if Uncle Bod had bought a new car in March. After all these months, and knowing how Uncle Bob drove, his car obviously would not be new anymore.

When there were no more postal gifts, James’ father began to pull packages from out under the Christmas tree. One of the first was Aunt Sally’s gift to James.

“Ho, Ho, Ho,” James father said trying to imitate Father Christmas.

As James eagerly took the present from his father’s hands he noticed that the box was much heavier than it should be. James quickly tore off the wrapping paper, ignoring his mothers’ pleas to look after it so it could be reused next year. And then he had the box open! The top layer contained a pair of underpants, the second a shirt and the third ….. a ball and a metal car. He carefully unfolded the shirt hoping beyond hope that the dividing rail had somehow got caught up inside… but there was nothing!

“Where is my dividing rail,” James almost shouted out loud, but managed to bite his tongue in time!

“Thank your Aunt for such a lovely present and give her a big kiss,” James’ mother instructed.

James thanked his aunt and tried not to reveal how disappointed he really felt. Fortunately at the same moment his father had found another postal package which had fallen down behind the tree. His mother’s public reading of the letter took everyone’s attention away from James; No one noticed the two large tears that managed to escape before he was able to wipe them away.

The gift opening continued until there were no more presents left.

“And what did we give you,” James father asked?

James had been so upset that he had not noticed his parents had not given him a present.

“Follow that piece of string,” James’ father said smiling.

For the first time James noticed a piece of string that led from the base of the Christmas tree, behind the sofa and out the door.

“Perhaps someone has bought me a dividing rail after all,” James thought!

The string led to the laundry and ended at a large cardboard box. James excitedly tore off its lid. Inside was a large second hand electric train set. There were three trains, many carriages, clip together stations and platforms, lots and lots of pieces of track, but most amazing of all …… seven dividing rails.

James spent the rest of the day setting up his new train set. He was happy, but not as happy as one might have expected. 

That night, just before he fell asleep, James came to the conclusion that although he liked his new electric train set; he would have been much happier if someone had simply given him a dividing rail for his old clockwork train set.

The toy shop window no longer reflected back the image of a nine year old boy, but that of a man in his late fifties. He was returning to the shop for the first time after almost forty years.

Looking past the reflection, something caught James’ attention. He asked his wife to wait outside with her eyes closed while he entered. When he came out again he was clutching a small box.

“I have waited half a life time to buy this,” James said with tears of joy sliding down his cheeks!

He handed the small box to his confused wife, who carefully opened it.  The box contained a dividing rail for a clockwork train set!

“Merry Christmas,” James said smiling!


(1)    Why did James want a dividing rail?
(2)    How much money did James loose through the hole in his shorts pocket?
(3)    Who came to stay over Christmas?
(4)    What did Aunt Sally give James for Christmas?
(5)    Why do you think Aunt Sally did not give James a dividing rail for Christmas?
(6)    Why do you think James felt disappointed receiving an electric trainset?
(7)    Why do you think James bought the dividing rail in the toy shop forty years later?
(8)    What was the best Christmas present you have ever received?
(9)    Does your family have any special Christmas traditions? If so what are they?
(10)         Describe the best Christmas you can remember. Why was it so special?

EXERCISE: Do you know the following words related to Christmas?

GENERAL WORDS: bells, candles, cards, celebrate, festival, family reunion, merry, parades, party, scrooge, season tidings, Christmas spirit.

CHRISTMAS TREE: artificial tree, decorations, lights, pine tree, star, tinsel.

SHOPPING: crowds, gift boxes, lists, presents, ribbon, sales, toys, wrapping paper.

SANTA CLAUS: chimney, elves, fairies, jolly, North Pole, reindeer, sled, St. Nick, toys.

FEELINGS: anticipating, excited, exhausted, happy, sad.

REINDEER NAMES: Blitzer, Rudolph, Comet, Cupid, Dancer, Dasher, Donner, Prancer, Vixen.



(1)    Why did James want a dividing rail?
James wanted a dividing rail in order to add a branch line to his clockwork trainset.
(2)    How much money did James loose through the hole in his shorts pocket?
He lost $3.65 through the hole in his pocket.
(3)    Who came to stay over Christmas?
James’ Aunt Sally came to stay over Christmas.
(4)    What did Aunt Sally give James for Christmas?
Aunt Sally gave James; underpants, a shirt, a ball and a metal car.
(5)    Why do you think Aunt Sally did not give James a dividing rail for Christmas?
Aunt Sally would have known about the electric train set James was going to receive from his parents.
(6)    Why do you think James felt disappointed receiving an electric train set?
Because James liked his simpler clockwork trainset better.
(7)    Why do you think James bought the dividing rail in the toy shop forty years later?
Because he had the conditions to buy the dividing rail and he because he was fulfilling a childhood dream.
(8)    What was the best Christmas present you have ever received?
(9)    Does your family have any special Christmas traditions? If so what are they?
(10)         Describe the best Christmas you can remember. Why was it so special?

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