Thursday, July 28, 2016


Pet of the day: Rambunctious Robinho and Simba

Simba the energetic kitten soaks up a sunny spot. She enjoys life on the farm.
A new addition arrived in our family in the form of an adorable kitten. The way he appeared in our lives was very similar to the way a little puppy arrived a couple of years ago.
My wife just happened to mention to a neighbour that one day she thought she might like a puppy or kitten and, within hours, half the neighbourhood seemed to be knocking on our door offering cute little bundles of fur.
Having had the experience of both a puppy and a kitten sharing our home, it is interesting to compare the two experiences.

Robinho (our puppy) and Simba (our kitten) both arrived with about the same number of the little critters.
First broken rule

No animals upstairs! The night Robinho arrived, I built an elaborate cardboard and tape fence at the bottom of the stairs and had then gone to bed secure in the knowledge that my barricade was impregnable.
At 2am, we were awoken by Robinho’s whimpering. I found him stuck halfway up the stairs. He was too tired to climb higher and too afraid to go back down.
When I went downstairs to collect his sleeping basket to relocate it beside our bed, I discovered my heavy duty fence was still intact. How he had breached it remains a mystery to us to this day.
In Simba’s case, I simply woke at 2am to discover him sharing my pillow.
Favourite play thing

My slippers. For some reason both of our furry guests decided that my slippers were an object of entertainment.
Robinho’s favourite game was called Where can I hide one of my masters’ slippers while he is asleep? Simba’s favorite game is called Attack. The objective of this game is to simply ambush the slippers at any time. It is even better if the owner’s feet are in them!

I used to take Rabinho walking twice per day. What fascinated me was how many people stopped to talk. It seems no one can resist picking up a cute little puppy to give it a cuddle.
As Simba races up and down the stairs at around 100km per hour, 100 times per day, and is frequently caught scaling our new curtains, additional physical exercise is not necessary.

Welcome home party

Robinho’s joy at seeing me walk through the door had to be seen to be believed! In Simba’s case, unless I arrive home with a big packet of fish and chips under my arm, he simply ignores me!
Head Experience

As Robinho never left the ground, we were always looking down at him.
Simba, on the other hand, is never on the ground! If not on the bookcase, sideboard or bedside table, he is running along the back of the sofa.
A lot of the time he is next to me while I work on the computer, butting his head with mine.
Then there is his favourite sleeping place, my wife’s head!
The future

After six weeks we sent Robinho off to live on my parents-in-laws farm. We were really sad to see him go but the reality was that a Rottweiler/German Shepherd cross is not the most suitable of dogs to have indoors.
Soon after Simba followed in Robinho’s footsteps and is enjoying life at her new home on the farm.

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