Wednesday, August 3, 2016


(1) Choose the most suitable underlined word:

(A)   Let me introduce you to my betrothed / engaged / fiancée.
(B)   Jim is just a/an acquaintance / colleague / figure I met on holiday.
(C)   The playground was full of infants / juveniles / toddlers running about.
(D)   As I am officially a/an alien / outsider / stranger I have to register with the police.
(E)    Our ancestors / descendants / predecessors are all buried in the local churchyard.
(F)    Local people are campaigning for better facilities for the aged / elder.
(G)  Peter is unmarried. His friends call him an eligible bachelor / independent / single.
(H)   The bridegroom was handed the ring by the groom / best man / godfather.
(I)     When I was a bloke / chap / lad I used to walk 10 miles to school.
(J)     We call her “Aunt Flo”, though she is not really  family / related to us.

(2) Complete each sentence with one of the words given. Use each word only once.

aggressive      attentive       devoted       insensitive      solitary     apathetic
extrovert         mature          prejudiced     dedicated

(A)   Sharon works very hard and is extremely ____________________.
(B)   David does everything alone. He is rather a  _______________________ person.
(C)   What a lovely couple! They seem absolutely ______________________.
(D)   Jim has extreme views, and is _____________________ against all immigrants.
(E)    Very few students wanted to join in the activities. They seemed __________________.
(F)    Simon is always getting into fights, he’s so _______________________.
(G)  Jane may look rather young, but she has a very __________________ attitude.
(H)   Pauline is a good teacher, and very ________________ to the needs of students.
(I)     Bill is shy but his brother Mike is more ___________________.
(J)     Mary doesn’t realize how she hurts people. She is really __________________.

(3) Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

        (A) From an early age, Wolfgang had a/an ________________ for music.
(i) interest          (ii) passion        (iii) involvement      (iv) tendency
(B) Larry never spoke to anyone, and kept himself _________________.
                                             (i) outside        (ii) withdrawn       (iii) superior          (iv) aloof
(C) Sarah delivered a /an ________________ appeal to the court and asked for mercy.
        (i) sensational    (ii)  sentimental  (iii)  emotional     (iv) affectionate
(D) When I gave her the present, my mother _______________ with satisfaction.
                                               (i) beamed     (ii) grinned      (iii) giggled    (iv) guffawed


(1) Choose the most suitable underlined word:

(A)   Let me introduce you to my betrothed / engaged / fiancée.
(B)   Jim is just a/an acquaintance / colleague / figure I met on holiday.
(C)   The playground was full of infants / juveniles / toddlers running about.
(D)   As I am officially a/an alien / outsider / stranger I have to register with the police.
(E)    Our ancestors / descendants / predecessors are all buried in the local churchyard.
(F)    Local people are  campaigning for better facilities for the aged / elder.
(G)  Peter is unmarried. His friends call him an eligible bachelor / independent / single.
(H)   The bridegroom was handed the ring by the groom / best man / godfather.
(I)     When I was a bloke / chap / lad I used to walk 10 miles to school.
(J)     We call her “Aunt Flo”, though she is not really  family / related to us.

(2) Complete each sentence with one of the words given. Use each word only once.

aggressive      attentive       devoted       insensitive      solitary     apathetic
extrovert         mature          prejudiced     dedicated

(A)   Sharon works very hard and is extremely dedicated.
(B)   David does everything alone. He is rather a solitary person.
(C)   What a lovely couple! They seem absolutely devoted.
(D)   Jim has extreme views, and is prejudiced against all immigrants.
(E)    Very few students wanted to join in the activities. They seemed apathetic.
(F)    Simon is always getting into fights, he’s so aggressive.
(G)  Jane may look rather young, but she has a very mature attitude.
(H)   Pauline is a good teacher, and very attentive to the needs of students.
(I)     Bill is shy but his brother Mike is more extrovert.
(J)     Mary doesn’t realize how she hurts people. She is really insensitive.

(3) Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

        (A) From an early age, Wolfgang had a/an passion for music.
(i) interest          (ii) passion        (iii) involvement      (iv) tendency
(B) Larry never spoke to anyone, and kept himself aloof.
                                             (i) outside        (ii) withdrawn       (iii) superior          (iv) aloof
(C) Sarah delivered a /an emotional appeal to the court and asked for mercy.
        (i) sensational    (ii)  sentimental  (iii)  emotional     (iv) affectionate
(D) When I gave her the present, my mother beamed with satisfaction.
                                               (i) beamed     (ii) grinned      (iii) giggled    (iv) guffawed

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