Friday, April 7, 2017


It is more important to recognize what idioms mean than to use them yourself. People use them in informal situations, often to create a personal and sometimes exaggerated impression of what they are describing.

There are many ways of categorizing idioms. (Below are some examples).

To describe personal qualities of behavior:

She has a heart of gold.          He is as tough as nails.                She is quick off the mark.
(She is very generous).                               (He is able to take a lot of punishment).       (She understands something quickly).

To describe feelings:

She is on cloud nine.                  He is beat.                                     He is down in the dumps.   
(She is feeling very happy)                            (He is feeling tired).                                        (He is feeling depressed)

To describe problems or reactions to situations:

He is between a rock and a hard place.                   She sweeps things under the mat.
(All his alternatives are difficult).                                                               (She tries to hide everything).

She can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
(She can see an improvement happening in the near future).

To talk about communication:

He got the point.                 She spoke her mind.                          She talked up a storm.
(He understood the situation).         (She said everything she wanted to say).             (She made people angry).

Which category (personal qualities or behavior, feelings, problems or reactions to situations or communication) do the below idioms belong too?

(A)   He never remembers anything. His mind is like a sieve!   __________________
(B)   She came up behind him quietly and shouted, “Boo”! She frightened the life out of him.   ___________________
(C)   Your children are well behaved. They are as good as gold!   __________________
(D)   He was really angry. He was as mad as a hornet. ____________________
(E)    I think I will take the back seat  and let him do all the work.  _________________
(F)    I won’t beat about the bush. I will tell you what I really think. ________________
(G)  She is very long winded. She always uses ten words when two would do. ___________

Which category (personal qualities or behavior, feelings, problems or reactions to situations or communication) do the below idioms belong too?

(A)     He never remembers anything. His mind is like a sieve!   Personal Quality (very forgetful)
(B)      She came up behind him quietly and shouted, “Boo”! She frightened the life out of him.   Reaction
(C)      Your children are well behaved. They are as good as gold!   Behavior
(D)     He was really angry. He was as mad as a hornet.  Feelings (He  is  feeling very angry).
(E)      I think I will take the back seat and let him do all the work.  Reaction (Don’t want to participate)
(F)      I won’t beat about the bush. I will tell you what I really think.    Communication
(G)     She is very long winded. She always uses ten words when two would do. Communication


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