Thursday, May 18, 2017


1.  What is the first thing you do in the morning? What do you do next? 
     Put the activities in the correct order for you.

Have lunch.

Cook dinner.

Have a shower.

Watch television.

Go to work.

Get up.

Have breakfast.

Go to sleep.

Start work.

Go to bed.

Arrive home.

Finish work.

Get dressed.

Wake up.

2.   What were you doing at these times yesterday?

(A)   6 a.m. :________________________________________________________________
(B)   7 a.m.: ________________________________________________________________
(C)   8:30 a.m.: ______________________________________________________________
(D)   10:15 a.m.: _____________________________________________________________
(E)    12:05 p.m.: _____________________________________________________________
(F)    3 p.m. : ________________________________________________________________
(G)  5 :15 p.m.: _____________________________________________________________
(H)   7 p.m.: ________________________________________________________________
(I)     9:15 p.m. : _____________________________________________________________
(J)     10:45 p.m.: _____________________________________________________________

3.  What is your favorite time of the day? ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________________

4.  What is your worst time of the day? __________________________________

5.  Put the periods of the day in the box in the correct order.

Night – small hours of the morning -- late evening -- dusk -- midday -- predawn-- midmorning -- sunrise  -- dawn -- sunset -- midafternoon -- early evening -- Night


6.  Put the times in the box in a chronological order (Most recent time first).

This morning   --  Last winter  --  In 1991  -- The day before yesterday 
Yesterday evening -- Ten years ago  --   Last night   --  Yesterday lunch time.


 1. What is the first thing you do in the morning? What do you do next? 
     Put the activities in the correct order for you.

Have lunch
Cook dinner.
Have a shower
Watch television.
Go to work.
Get up.
Have breakfast.
Go to sleep.
Start work.
Go to bed.
Arrive home.
Finish work.
Get dressed.
Wake up.

2. What were you doing at these times yesterday? (Example Answers)

(A)   6 a.m. : I woke up.
(B)   7 a.m.: I was having breakfast.
(C)    8:30 a.m.:  I started work.
(D)   10:15 a.m.: I was drinking a cup of tea.
(E)    12:05 p.m.: I went to lunch.
(F)    3 p.m. : I stopped work to have afternoon tea.
(G)  5 :15 p.m.: I finished work.
(H)   7 p.m.: I was eating my dinner.
(I)     9:15 p.m. : I was watching T.V. in bed.
(J)     10:45 p.m.: I was sleeping.

3.  What is your favorite time of the day? ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________________

4.  What is your worst time of the day? __________________________________

5.  Put the periods of the day in the box in the correct order.

Night --  small hours of the morning -- late evening -- dusk -- midday -- predawn-- midmorning -- sunrise -- dawn -- sunset  -- midafternoon -- early evening -- Night

Night – small hours of the morning – predawn – dawn – sunrise – midmorning – midday – midafternoon – sunset – dusk – early evening – late evening – Night.

6.  Put the times the box in a chronological order (Most recent time first).

This morning   --  Last winter  --  In 1991  -- The day before yesterday                         Yesterday evening --Ten years ago  --   Last night   --  Yesterday lunch time.
   This morning   - Last night  - Yesterday evening  - Yesterday lunch time - The day before yesterday  - Last winter  - Ten years ago  - In 1991

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