Wednesday, October 18, 2017

TRAVELLING (Intermediate) EXERCISE I96E278)

(1)   Read the texts and complete the gaps with words or phrases from the list.

camping       campsite       cruise        excursions       flight       hotel              journey         sunbathe      tent           travel               trips                youth hostel          go on holiday        

Luke is a student, so he cannot afford to ______________________ very often. He loves being outdoors so he usually goes ____________ in the mountains in Britain. He doesn’t stay at an official ______________________; he just puts up his ___________________ where he wants. However, if the weather is very bad he sometimes stays in a __________________________ which is cheap and full of other young people. Luke would love to be able to __________________ more and go on exciting ___________________ to foreign countries but he hasn’t got enough money at the moment.

Jeremy works at the London Stock Exchange. He is usually too busy to have a holiday, but last year he decided to go on a Caribbean ________________ for a fortnight. First he flew to Miami, but the _________________ was delayed for five hours. Then there was a three-hour __________________ by coach to a five-star __________________ near the port. The ship left the next day. They stopped at several beautiful islands for sightseeing and shopping, but Jeremy did not go on any of these ___________________. He preferred to __________________ on deck and relax.

(2)   Write the sentences in reported speech.

    Example: “It’s a beautiful city.”   The travel agent told us (that) it was a beautiful city.

(A)   “We are going to stay for two days.” 
 They told the receptionist ________________________________________.
(B)   “This church was built in the 16th century.”
The guide said __________________________________________________.
(C)   “You cannot take so much hand luggage.”
The flight attendant told her ______________________________________.
(D)  “It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen!”
She said ______________________________________________________!

(1)  Read the texts and complete the gaps with words or phrases from the list.

camping       campsite       cruise        excursions       flight       hotel              journey         sunbathe      tent           travel               trips                youth hostel          go on holiday        

Luke is a student, so he cannot afford to go on holiday very often. He loves being outdoors so he usually goes camping in the mountains in Britain. He doesn’t stay at an official campsite; he just puts up his tent where he wants. However, if the weather is very bad he sometimes stays in a youth hostel which is cheap and full of other young people. Luke would love to be able to travel more and go on exciting trips to foreign countries but he hasn’t got enough money at the moment.

Jeremy works at the London Stock Exchange. He is usually too busy to have a holiday, but last year he decided to go on a Caribbean cruise for a fortnight. First he flew to Miami, but the flight was delayed for five hours. Then there was a three-hour journey by coach to a five-star hotel near the port. The ship left the next day. They stopped at several beautiful islands for sightseeing and shopping, but Jeremy did not go on any of these excursions. He preferred to sunbathe on deck and relax.

(2)   Write the sentences in reported speech.

    Example: “It’s a beautiful city.”   The travel agent told us (that) it was a beautiful city.
(A)   “We are going to stay for two days.” 
 They told the receptionist that they we going to stay for two days.
(B)   “This church was built in the 16th century.”
The guide said that the church was built in the 16th century .
(C)   “You cannot take so much hand luggage on board.”
The flight attendant told her that she could not take so much hand luggage onboard.
(D)  “It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen!”
She said that it was the most beautiful place she had ever seen!


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