Saturday, December 7, 2013


1. Translate into your native language:
      (A) Hi, hello: ___________________________________.
    (B) What is your name?: __________________________________________________?
    (C) Nice to meet you: _____________________________________.
    (D) Nice to meet you too: __________________________________.
    (E) How do you spell …?  _________________________________________________?
    (F) Last name: _______________________________________.
    (G) Thank you: ____________________________.
    (H) Welcome: ____________________________________.
     (I)  I need to go.
     (J)  See you later / See you: ________________________________.
     (K) Bye / Goodbye: ________________________________.

2. Practice the following dialogue:

    Paula:           Hi, my name is Paula, Paula Santos.
                         I am new here.
                         What is your name?
    Mr. Smith:   My name is Bob, Bob Smith.
                         I am an English teacher.
    Paula:           Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.
    Mr. Smith:   Nice to meet you too, Paula.
                         How do you spell your last name?
    Paula:           S.A.N.T.O.S.
    Mr. Smith:    Welcome to our school.
    Paula:           Thank you.
    Mr. Smith:    The bell is ringing. I need to go.
                          See you later.
    Paula:            See you. Goodbye.

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