Saturday, December 7, 2013


NUMBERS  (Basic)

1. Match the figures and words:

17                 twenty – one                 83                  ninety – two                    12            

thirty – five                     seventeen                   sixty – eight                25

          fourteen                       forty                            52                        79                eighteen

92                  80                         15               21                  eighty                       seventy – nine  

 35               40                                fifteen                             61            eighty – three                   68  
fifty – two                             twenty- five                          twelve       14        18      sixty – one

2. Study and then read aloud the numbers in the box below.

   1    one
   2    two
   3    three
   4    four
   5    five
   6    six
   7    seven
   8    eight
   9    nine
  10   ten

11       eleven
12       twelve
13       thirteen
14       fourteen
15       fifteen
16       sixteen
17       seventeen
18       eighteen
19       nineteen
20       twenty

   21  twenty – one
   22  twenty – two
   23  twenty – three
   24  twenty – four
   25  twenty – five
   26  twenty – six
   27  twenty – seven
   28  twenty – eight
   29  twenty – nine
   30  thirty

31     thirty – one
40     forty
50     fifty
60     sixty
70     seventy
80     eighty
90     ninety
100  one hundred
1,000 one thousand
1,000,000 one million

3. See the reason for st, nd etc.

    1st     First                         30th    Thirtieth
    2nd     Second                    31st     Thirty – first
    3rd     Third
    4th     Forth
    5th     Fifth

4. Write the below numbers in their word form.

  (A)   43816      …………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………   
   (B)   933 672  ………………………………………………………….………………………….…………………………..    
   (C)   (041) 228  7153  …………………………………………….…………………………………………………….….
   (D)   (0055) 482 8661 ……………………………………………..……………………………………………………….
   (E)   Your phone number: ………………………………………………………………….………………..


Say and write these phone numbers:

   (A)   43816     four, three, eight, one, six.
   (B)   933 672    nine, double three, six, seven, two   
   (C)   (041)  228  7153  zero, four, one, double two, eight, seven, one, five, three
   (D)   (0055)  482 8661    double zero, double five, four, eight, two, eight, double six, one
   (E)   Your phone number: ……………………………………….............................


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