Monday, January 13, 2014


 Present Perfect:

The Present Perfect is used to link the present and the past. It is used:

1.  To talk about an action which, started in the past and continues today.     For and since are used to express duration.
       ◊ I have lived here for 10 years.   I have lived here since 1998.
                  (I arrived here 10 years ago and I am still here.)

          2.  To refer to past events in an unfinished period of time :
               ◊ I have written two letters today.
                   (Two letters are written but day is not finished.)

          3.  To talk about recent events that have just happened or been announced :
               ◊ There has been a plane crash near the coast.
                  (We know the event took place but we don't know when.)

          4.  To talk about a past action with a result in the present :
               ◊ I've broken my arm.  I can't drive. (= because my arm is broken now)

          5.  To talk and ask about experiences or accomplishments up to the time
                of speaking, but at no specific time.
               "I'm a writer.  I've written 9 books."
               "Have you ever written a biography?"   "No never."

 Past Simple:

          The Past Simple is used to talk about past events which happened in a
          finished period of time. It is used:
          1.  When the period of time is finished :
                ◊ I wrote two letters yesterday.  (Yesterday is finished.)

          2.  When the time is mentioned,  either a precise time in the past,
               or a time expression which clearly situates the event in the past:
               ◊ I lived in the country    ...    until the age of 6
                                                           ...    when I was young
                                                           ...    from 1985 to 1992
                                                            ...    before we moved to London
                                                             ...    a long time ago

   NB : As a general rule, if you can answer the question "when?", use the Past Simple


1.    Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

    (A)   Tom (go)____________________  to the cinema yesterday.
    (B)   John is playing a game of tennis.  He (play)_____________________ for 2 hours.
    (C)    I (book)_______________  the tickets two weeks ago for the concert in Vienna.
    (D)   The teacher (speak)______________  English since the beginning of this lesson.
    (E)    In your life, how many countries (you-visit) ____________________________?
    (F)    The Bank (open)______________  a branch in new shopping center last month.
    (G)   The bus was late and Julie was cold.  She (wait)______________ for 10 minutes.
    (H)   Caroline (work)___________________________ here between 2003 and 2006.
    (I)    Before boarding, John (buy)________________ a book to read during the flight.
    (J)    So far today, I (learn) _______________________ several new words in English.

   2. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

(A)  Mary (win) ___________________ the lottery last year.           

(B)   James (find) __________________ your ring in his garden yesterday.         
(C)   He (come / just) ______________________ home. 

 (D)  They (buy) ________________________ their car two years ago.    

 (E) I (see / not)  _________________________ anyone yet.  

  (F) Peter (go) ________________ to the zoo yesterday.    

  (G) She (arrive /not) ____________________________ yet.                

  (H) Kathryn (visit) ________________________ us at home last week.

3. Questions: Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

(A) (you /read) ___________________________ the book yet?
(B) How many letters (they / write) __________________________ so far?
(C) When (he / tell)  ______________________ you that?
(D) How often (you / travel) ___________________________ aboard till now?
(E) (you /be) _________________________ at home last night?

1.    Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

    (A)   Tom (go) went to the cinema yesterday.
    (B)   John is playing a game of tennis.  He (play) played for 2 hours.
    (C)    I (book) booked the tickets two weeks ago for the concert in Vienna.
    (D)   The teacher (speak) has been English since the beginning of this lesson.
    (E)    In your life, how many countries (you-visit) have you visited?
    (F)    The Bank (open) opened a branch in new shopping center last month.
    (G)   The bus was late and Julie was cold.  She (wait) had waited an extra 10 minutes.
    (H)   Caroline (work) worked here between 2013 and 2016.
    (I)    Before boarding, John (buy) bought a book to read during the flight.
    (J)    So far today, I (learn) learnt several new words in English.

   2. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

(A)  Mary (win) won the lottery last year.      

 (B)   James (find) found your ring in his garden yesterday.   

  (C)   He (come / just) has just come home.   

   (D)  They (buy) bought their car two years ago.   

   (E) I (see / not) have not seen anyone yet.       

   (F) Peter (go) went to the zoo yesterday.         

  (G) She (arrive /not) has not arrived yet.            

  (H) Kathryn (visit) visited us at home last week.

3. Questions: Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple). 

(A) (you /read) Have you read the book yet?
(B) How many letters (they / write) have you written so far?
(C) When (he / tell) did he tell you that?
(D) How often (you / travel) have you travelled aboard till now?
(E) (you /be) Were you at home last night?

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