Tuesday, January 14, 2014

EXERCISE (60) PAST SIMPLE (Intermediate)

PAST SIMPLE  (Intermediate)

1. Match a line in A with a line in B. Put verb in A into the Present Simple and the verb in  B into the Past Simple.


(A)  I usually __________(work) eight
       hours a day, but …….
(B)   Ann usually ___________ (drive)
to work, but ……….
(C)   Max usually __________ (watch)
TV in the evenings, but ……
(D)  Ann and Max usually ______ (go) sailing at weekends ,but …
(E)   It usually ___________ (rain)
A lot in winter, but……..
 (F) Max and I usually _________(go)
       camping in August, but ………

……. last summer we ________ (stay) in a hotel.

……. last weekend they _________ (play) tennis.

……. yesterday I ________ (start) at 9.00am and
            ___________ (finish) at 9.00pm.
……. last year it _____________ (snow) for three 
……. yesterday she ____________ (walk).

…….. yesterday evening he _____________
           (listen) to  music.

2. Write questions and answers about the people in Exercise 1.  
    Answer the first questions in the Present simple. Then ask and answer another  
    question in the Past simple.

    Example: A:  Do you usually work eight hours a day?
                     B: Yes, I do.
                     A: Did you work eight hours yesterday?
                     B: No, I didn’t. I worked twelve hours.

(A)    A: Does Ann usually drive to work?
B: Yes, __________________________.
A: Did she _______________________ to work yesterday?
B: No, _______________________________________________.

(B)    A: Does Max usually watch TV in the evenings?
B: Yes, _____________________________________________.
A: Did he _______________________ TV yesterday evening?
B: No, ____________________________________________________.

(C)    A: Do Ann and Max usually go sailing at weekend?
B: ________________________________________________________.
A: _______________________________________________________?
B: ______________________________________________________________________.

(D)    A: Does it usually rain a lot in winter?
B: _____________________________________________________________________.
A: _____________________________________________________________________?
B: _____________________________________________________________________.

(E)     A: Do you and Max usually go camping in August?
B: _____________________________________________________________________.
A: ____________________________________________________________________?
B: _____________________________________________________________________.



1. Match a line in A with a line in B. Put verb in A into the Present Simple and the verb       in  B into the Past Simple.


  1. I usually work (work) eight
       hours a day, but …….
  1. Ann usually drives (drive)
to work, but ……….

  1. Max usually watches (watch)
TV in the evenings, but ……

  1. Ann and Max usually go (go) sailing at weekends ,but …..

  1. It usually rains (rain)
a lot in winter, but……..

  (F) Max and I usually go (go)
        camping in August, but ………

(f) last summer we stayed (stay) in a hotel.

(d) last weekend they played (play) tennis.

(a) yesterday I started (start) at 9.00am and
     finished (finish) at 9.00pm.

(e) last year it snowed (snow) for three 

(b) yesterday she walked (walk).

(c) yesterday evening he listened  (listen) to              

2. Write questions and answers about the people in Exercise 1. Answer the first           questions in  the Present simple. Then ask and answer another question in the Past simple.

    Example: A:  Do you usually work eight hours a day?
                     B: Yes, I do.
                     A: Did you work eight hours yesterday?
                     B: No, I didn’t. I worked twelve hours.

A.       A: Does Ann usually drive to work?
B: Yes, she does.
A: Did she drive to work yesterday?
B: No, she did not. She walked.

B.       A: Does Max usually watch TV in the evenings?
B: Yes, he does.
A: Did he watch TV yesterday evening?
B: No, he did not. He listened to music.

C.   A: Do Ann and Max usually go sailing at weekend?
B: Yes they do.
A: Did they go sailing last weekend?
B: No, they did not. They played tennis.

  1.  A: Does it usually rain a lot in winter?
B: Yes it does.
A: Did it rain a lot last winter?
B: No, it did not. It snowed for three months.

  1.  A: Do you and Max usually go camping in August?
B: Yes, we do.
A: Did you and Max go camping last August?
B: No, we did not. We stayed in a hotel.


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