Tuesday, January 14, 2014


1. Match the words from the left column to the words in the right column.

 (A) First Name
 ____ Native City
 (B) Birthplace
 ____ Family Name
 (C) Citizenship
 ____ Profession
 (D) Native Language
 ____ Place of Birth
 (E) Surname
 ____ Sex
 (F) DOB
 ____ Given Name
 (G) Social Insurance Number
 ____ Nationality
 (H) Gender
 ____ Mother Tongue
 (I) City of Origin
 ____ S.I.N.
 (J) Occupation
 ____ Birthdate

2. Complete the Arrival Form with your personal information. (The information can be
    made up if you wish).

First Name: __________________    Family Name:_______________________  Middle Initial:___
Date of Birth: ________________     Place of Birth: ______________________
Marital Status: ________________   Social Insurance Number: _____________
Address (Full): ____________________________________________________
City of Residence: ____________________    Province of Residence: ___________
Sex: _____ Age: _______________________ Years of Schooling: ____________
Occupation: _________________________     Languages Spoken: ________________________
Mother Tongue: ________________________ Present Employer:_________________________
Date of Entry into XXXXXX:____________
Place of Entry into XXXXXX ____________
Number of Children:_____ Ages of Children: ____________________
Sex of Children: _____________
Names of Children (Surname, Given Name): _________________________________________

Spousal Information:

Name (Surname, Given): ______________________________________Middle Initial: _______
D.O.B.: _________________________________  Birthplace: ____________________________
Occupation: ______________________________ Current Employer: ______________________
Languages Spoken: ________________________ Years of Schooling ______________________


 1. Match the words from the left column to the words in the right column.

 (A) First Name
 (i)  Native City
 (B) Birthplace
 (e)  Family Name
 (C) Citizenship
 (j)  Profession
 (D) Native Language
 (b) Place of Birth
 (E) Surname
 (h)  Sex
 (F) DOB
 (a)  Given Name
 (G) Social Insurance Number
 (c)  Nationality
 (H) Gender
 (d)  Mother Tongue
 (I) City of Origin
 (g)  S.I.N.
 (J) Occupation
 (f) Birthdate

2. Complete the Arrival Form with your personal information. (The information can be
    made up if you wish).

First Name: Tom    Family Name: Smith    Middle Initial: L
Date of Birth: 02/12/68     Place of Birth: United States
Marital Status: Married   Social Insurance Number: 12 978-089
Address (Full): 24 Main Street
City of Residence: Arnhem   Province of Residence: Texas
Sex: Male    Age: 46    Years of Schooling: 18
Occupation: Teacher     Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Mother Tongue: English   Present Employer: Arnhem Education Authority
Date of Entry into XXXXXX:____________
Place of Entry into XXXXXX ____________
Number of Children: 2 Ages of Children:  5,7.
Sex of Children: Female
Names of Children (Surname, Given Name): Smith, Rose and Joanne

Spousal Information
Name (Surname, Given): Smith, Pauline    Middle Initial: J
D.O.B.: 09/07/67   Birthplace: Jones Town
Occupation: Teacher    Current Employer: Arnhem Education Authority

Languages Spoken: English    Years of Schooling: 18

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