Sunday, February 23, 2014

SOME verses ANY (Intermediate) (EXERCISE B89E88)


       Some is used with:

       Countable Nouns:            ‘Some people in my school like Jazz.’
       Uncountable Nouns:        ‘There was some snow here last winter.’
       In positive sentences:       ‘I have some friends.’ 
       Offering when we expect the answer to be 'yes':
                                                 ‘Would you like some milk?’
       Requests when we are asking for something:
                                                  ‘Can I borrow some money?’

        Any is used in:

        Negative sentences:       ‘I don't have any friends.’
        Questions:                      ‘Do you have any money?’
        Offering when we expect the answer to be 'no':
                                                ‘Would you like any milk?’

Put ‘some’ or ‘any’ into the gaps.

(A)     If you’re hungry there’s _____________________ pizza in the fridge.         
(B)      Did you see ______________________ good films while you were in London?
(C)      Do you have _____________________ brothers or sisters?
(D)      You need to buy ________________________ new shoes. Those are falling apart!
(E)      I saw ___________________________ deer in the forest yesterday.
(F)      Would you like ___________________________ cheese?
(G)     Are you going shopping? - No, I don’t need ____________________ food today.
(H)     Do you have _______________________ good DVDs I could borrow?
(I)        We will have _____________________ news soon.
(J)       Would you like ______________________ breakfast?
(K)      There is not _________________________ rain in summer.
(L)       Can I have ________________________ coffee?
(M)   I think I will have __________________________ toast.
(N)     Do you have ____________________________ pets?
(O)     She had ____________________________ good ideas.
(P)      He does not have ______________________________ patience.


Put ‘some’ or ‘any’ into the gaps.

(A)     If you’re hungry there’s some pizza in the fridge.
(B)      Did you see any good films while you were in London?
(C)      Do you have any brothers or sisters?
(D)      You need to buy some new shoes. Those are falling apart!
(E)      I saw some deer in the forest yesterday.
(F)      Would you like some cheese?
(G)     Are you going shopping? - No, I don’t need any food today.
(H)     Do you have any good DVDs I could borrow?
(I)        We will have some news soon.
(J)       Would you like any breakfast?
(K)      There is not any rain in summer.
(L)       Can I have some coffee?
(M)   I think I will have some toast.
(N)     Do you have any pets?
(O)     She had some good ideas.

(P)      He does not have any patience.

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