Thursday, February 27, 2014


1. Choose the most suitable words underlined.

(A)  When you passed the town hall clock, did you notice / were you noticing what time it was?
(B)  Last night my neighbors were shouting / would shout for hours and I couldn’t get to sleep.
(C)  When you lived in London, did you used to travel / were you traveling by bus?
(D)  Everyone was having a good time, although not many people danced / were dancing.
(E)   Excuse me, but this seat is mine.
       I’m sorry, I didn’t realize / hadn’t realized that you were sitting here.
(F)   Jill didn’t eat / hadn’t eaten all day, so she was feeling really hungry.
(G)  Paul has forgotten to book the tickets I’m afraid.
       He was always doing / would do something like that!
(H)  I took a while for me to notice, but then I did. Everyone stare / was staring at me.
(I)     Nobody bothered to tell me that the school decided / had decided to have a special     
       holiday that Friday.
(J)    I trying / tried to get in touch with you yesterday. Where were you?

2. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past tense.    
(A)   I realized that someone _________________________________ (steal) my wallet                        
 when I could not _______________________ (feel) in my jacket pocket anymore.
(B)   When I _______________________ (phone) Helen last night she ______________   
(wash) her hair.
(C)   Peter _______________________ (offer) me another drink but I decided I
  _________________________ (drink) enough.

3. Choose the most suitable word underlined.

(A)  The government spokesperson denied / refused that there was a crisis.
(B)  Jane said me / told me that there was nothing the matter.
(C)  Peter persuaded me / insisted me to stay for dinner.
(D)  The director of studies advised me / suggested me to spend more time at the library.
(E)   Sheila explained me / warned me not to leave the heater on all night.
(F)   The chairperson mentioned us / reminded us that time was extremely short.
(G)  Bill answered them / replied them with a detailed description of his plans.
(H)  Michael and Sarah announced / reported that they were going to get married.
(I)     Paul accepted / expected that he had made a mistake, and apologized.
(J)    The manager confirmed / reassured that our room had been reserved


  1. Choose the most suitable words underlined.

(A)  When you passed the town hall clock, did you notice / were you noticing what time it was?
(B)  Last night my neighbors were shouting / would shout for hours and I couldn’t get to sleep.
(C)  When you lived in London, did you used to travel / were you traveling by bus?
(D)  Everyone was having a good time, although not many people danced / were dancing.
(E)   Excuse me, but this seat is mine.
       I’m sorry, I didn’t realize / hadn’t realized that you were sitting here.
(F)   Jill didn’t eat / hadn’t eaten all day, so she was feeling really hungry.
(G)  Paul has forgotten to book the tickets I’m afraid.
       He was always doing / would do something like that!
(H)  I took a while for me to notice, but then I did. Everyone stare / was staring at me.
(I)     Nobody bothered to tell me that the school decided / had decided to have a special     
       holiday that Friday.
(J)    I trying / tried to get in touch with you yesterday. Where were you?

2. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past tense.    
(A)   I realized that someone had stolen  (steal) my wallet when I could not feel (feel) in my jacket pocket anymore.
(B)   When I phoned (phone) Helen last night she was washing (wash) her hair.
(C)   Peter offered (offer) me another drink but I decided I had drunk (drink) enough.

3. Choose the most suitable word underlined.

(A)  The government spokesperson denied / refused that there was a crisis.
(B)  Jane said me / told me that there was nothing the matter.
(C)  Peter persuaded me / insisted me to stay for dinner.
(D)  The director of studies advised me / suggested me to spend more time at the library.
(E)   Sheila explained me / warned me not to leave the heater on all night.
(F)   The chairperson mentioned us / reminded us that time was extremely short.
(G)  Bill answered them / replied them with a detailed description of his plans.
(H)  Michael and Sarah announced / reported that they were going to get married.
(I)     Paul accepted / expected that he had made a mistake, and apologized.
(J)    The manager confirmed / reassured that our room had been reserved

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