Saturday, August 29, 2015


1.       Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions from the box below.

up               out           into          to    
out              into           over        into          down

(A)   He is always running ________________ the government.
(B)   I ran _________________ an old friend of mine the other day.
(C)   He limps because he was run ____________________ when he was six years old.
(D)   She ran ____________________ of money.
(E)    I have run ____________________ a huge bill on my credit card.
(F)    We ran ______________________ our neighbor on holiday in Rio.
(G)  We have run __________________ of milk.
(H)   He is a pig. He is always running his girlfriend __________________.
(I)     Be careful with interest rates. You could run ____________________ trouble.


2.       Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions from the box below.

up             on             up            out    
off            down         out         down      out            off

(A)   You have been watching cartoons all morning. It time to turn _________ the T.V..
(B)   Michael was offered a great job but he turned it _________________.
(C)   We were worried about it raining on the day of the picnic but it turned
        _________ fine.
(D)   I hate it when I forget to turn _________________ the alarm clock on a Saturday.
(E)    Thousands of people turned __________________ to protest about corruption.
(F)    I cannot hear what they are saying. Can you turn ____________ the radio, please.
(G)  They turned me _______________ for the new position. I was very disappointed.
(H)   Turning __________________ a computer involves three different steps.
(I)     How many turned _____________________ for the charity concert?
(J)     He drives around with the music turned ____________ to the maximum volume.



1.       Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions from the box below.

up               out           into          down    
out              into           over        into          down

(A)   He is always running down the government.
(B)   I ran into an old friend of mine the other day.
(C)   He limps because he was run over when he was six years old.
(D)   She ran out of money.
(E)    I have run up a huge bill on my credit card.
(F)    We ran into our neighbor on holiday in Rio.
(G)  We have run out of milk.
(H)   He is stupid. He is always running his girlfriend down.
(I)     Be careful with interest rates. You could run into trouble.


2.       Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions from the box below.

up             on             up            out    
off            down         out         down      out            off

(A)   You have been watching cartoons all morning. It time to turn off the T.V.
(B)   Michael was offered a great job but he turned it down.
(C)   We were worried about it raining on the day of the picnic but it turned
        out fine.
(D)   I hate it when I forget to turn off the alarm clock on a Saturday.
(E)    Thousands of people turned out to protest about corruption.
(F)    I cannot hear what they are saying. Can you turn up the radio, please.
(G)  They turned me down for the new position. I was very disappointed.
(H)   Turning on a computer used to involve three different steps.
(I)     How many turned out for the charity concert?
(J)     He drives around with the music turned up to the maximum volume.


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