Friday, August 28, 2015

MUST - HAVE TO (Intermediate) (EXERCISE I95E201)

“Must” and “have to” both express obligations, however they are used differently    depending on who imposes the obligation.

The speaker thinks it is necessary.
Some else thinks it is necessary.

·         “I must buy flowers for my mother.” (It’s her birthday and I have decided to do this).

·         “I must do more exercise.”
(Doctors’ orders)!

·         “I must ask the secretary to book a flight for me.”
(It is important for me not to forget)

·          “I must keep my dog on a lead.”
(That is what the sign tells me to do).

·         “I have to buy flowers for my mother- in-law.”
(It is not my decision – my husband asked me to do it).

·         “You have to do more exercise,” said the doctor.
(The doctor thinks it is necessary)

·         “I have to call the travel agency.”
(My boss asked me to book a flight).

·         “Dogs have to be kept on a lead.”
(Written on a sign in the park = a rule that must be respected).


(A)   My boss needs this report urgently. I ______________________finish it now.
(B)   “You _________________ arrive on time every morning,” said the boss.
(C)   Julie _________________ go to work on foot. The buses are on strike.
(D)   Secretaries ___________________ answer the phone. That’s part of their job.
(E)    “You ________________ do your homework,” said the teacher.
(F)    “We __________________ invite our neighbors for dinner one day,” said my husband.
(G)  David _______________ leave home at 7:30 a.m. in order to arrive at work at 9 a.m.
(H)   “I __________________ hurry or I’ll miss the flight!”
(I)     Employee __________________ attend all personnel meetings. It’s in their contracts.
(J)     “I _________________ call my mother. It’s her birthday today.”
(A) My boss needs this report urgently. I must finish it now.
(B) “You have to arrive on time every morning,” said the boss.
(C) Julie has to go to work on foot. The buses are on strike.
(D) Secretaries have to answer the phone. That’s part of their job.
(E) “You have to do your homework,” said the teacher.
(F) “We have to invite our neighbors for dinner one day,” said my husband.
(G) David has to leave home at 7:30 a.m. in order to arrive at work at 9 a.m.
(H) “I must hurry or I’ll miss the flight!”
(I) Employee have to attend all personnel meetings. It’s in their contracts.

(J) “I must call my mother. It’s her birthday today.”              
TO PRINT                                      


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