Thursday, August 27, 2015

CHANGING JOBS (Intermediate) (EXERCISE I68E200)

“What do you do?”  =  “What is your job?”

1.    Answers the questions below about your job:

(A)   What do you do? _____________________________________________________
(B)   How long have you been working for your company: ________________________
(C)   What are some of the things you like about your job? _______________________
(D)   What are some of the things you dislike about your job? _____________________

The difference between being ‘fired’, being ‘made redundant’, and ‘tendering your resignation’?

'Being fired' (or 'sacked') indicates a hostile termination of the employment relationship, due, for example, to poor performance/a breach of contract by the employee.

'Being made redundant', (or 'be/get laid off') means that the employee has lost their job but may not be due to any fault of theirs. (The company may be downsizing, has introduced new technology, restructuring etc.). The termination of the employment relationship is 'amicable' and the employee is usually entitled to various benefits. 

Tendering your resignation, is a formal way of telling your boss that you will be leaving your job to pursue a new opportunity. It means that you are the one who decided to end the relationship with your employer. 

2.  Place the words and phrases in the box into the sentences below:

competitive         resigning           downsizing         made redundant     
  was bought out          fired                      laid off               retrain

(A)     My father was ____________________ last year when his company closed.
(B)      I have a job offer from another company so I am thinking of _________________.
(C)      John and Mark both really want to win the contest. They are so ______________.
(D)     Mike was always late for work. After many warnings he was _________________.
(E)      Last month, that small book store __________________ by an international chain.
(F)      The government is trying to help ____________ auto workers who lost their jobs.
(G)     My company is ________________________ and I am afraid I might lose my job!
(H)     Sarah was __________________ two months ago and she is still looking for work.


1.    Answers the questions below about your job:

(A)   What do you do? _____________________________________________________
(B)   How long have you been working for your company: ________________________
(C)   What are some of the things you like about your job? _______________________
(D)   ___________________________________________________________________
(E)    ___________________________________________________________________
(F)    What are some of the things you dislike about your job? _____________________

(2)  Place the words and phrases in the box into the sentences below:

competitive         resigning           downsizing         made redundant               was bought out        fired                      laid off               retrain

(A)     My father was made redundant (or laid off) last year when his company closed.
(B)      I have a job offer from another company so I am thinking of resigning.
(C)      John and Mark both really want to win the contest. They are so competitive.
(D)     Mike was always late for work. After many warnings he was fired.
(E)      Last month, that small book store was bought out by an international chain.
(F)      The government is trying to help retrain auto workers who lost their jobs.
(G)     My company is downsizing and I am afraid I might lose my job!

(H)     Sarah was laid off (or made redundant) two months ago and she is still looking for work.


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