Wednesday, October 7, 2015


1.       Complete the text below with words from the box.

after     also     as soon as     even      eventually      of course        then

I will never forget the day I took my driving test for the first time. I had had about 20 lessons with a driving instructor and I’d 1________________ had a lot of practice with my mother in her car, so I was very optimistic.
The day of the test arrived and I was feeling very nervous. My driving instructor took me to the test center and introduced me to the examiner. He was an ex-army officer with a big moustache and his eyes were cold and unfriendly.
I was taking the test in my mother’s car because I was more used to driving it than the driving school’s car.
I started the engine and drove slowly and carefully out of the park. But 2_____________ I arrived at the first set of traffic lights I realized to my horror that the petrol gauge was almost empty. The last thing my mother had said to me before I left the house was: “don’t forget to fill up with petrol. The tank is almost empty.” I had completely forgotten. I was in a terrible panic. I didn’t know how I possibly could tell the examiner that we had to stop at a petrol station. But there was no alternative. When I told him, he looked at me as if I was a complete idiot and was sure he was going to fail me.
But 3_______________ filling up with petrol everything went well and I was starting to drive quite confidently. I 4________________ managed to reverse the car successfully around a corner, which was the most difficult maneuver in the test.
5__________________ the examiner asked me to park the car in quite a small space and I did this perfectly. But as I drove away along the road, I noticed that the car seemed incredibly heavy. I accelerated but the car did not respond. I could also smell something strange. “Oh no,” I thought, “please don’t break down now!” I looked in the mirror and I noticed some smoke coming from the back of the car. “I think there’s something wrong with the car,” I said nervously to the examiner. “No, I don’t think so,” said the examiner. “I think you’ll find that you’ve got the hand brake on.”
6___________________ when we got back to the test center, the examiner said, “I’m afraid you haven’t passed the test.”
I 7_________________ passed on the third attempt.

2.       Number the events 1-11 in the order they happened.


     They arrived at the test center.
     I failed the test.
     I filled up with petrol.
     I forgot to take the handbrake off.
     I parked.
     I passed the test
   I realized that the petrol tank was nearly empty.
     I reversed around the corner.
     I saw smoke.
     I started the car.
     My mother told me to fill up with petrol.



1.       Complete the text below with words from the box.

after     also     as soon as     even      eventually      of course        then

I will never forget the day I took my driving test for the first time. I had had about 20 lessons with a driving instructor and I’d 1 also had a lot of practice with my mother in her car, so I was very optimistic.
The day of the test arrived and I was feeling very nervous. My driving instructor took me to the test center and introduced me to the examiner. He was an ex-army officer with a big moustache and his eyes were cold and unfriendly.
I was taking the test in my mother’s car because I was more used to driving it than the driving school’s car.
I started the engine and drove slowly and carefully out of the park. But 2 as soon as I arrived at the first set of traffic lights I realized to my horror that the petrol gauge was almost empty. The last thing my mother had said to me before I left the house was: “don’t forget to fill up with petrol. The tank is almost empty.” I had completely forgotten. I was in a terrible panic. I didn’t know how I possibly could tell the examiner that we had to stop at a petrol station. But there was no alternative. When I told him, he looked at me as if I was a complete idiot and was sure he was going to fail me.
But 3 after filling up with petrol everything went well and I was starting to drive quite confidently. I 4 even managed to reverse the car successfully around a corner, which was the most difficult maneuver in the test.
5 Then the examiner asked me to park the car in quite a small space and I did this perfectly. But as I drove away along the road, I noticed that the car seemed incredibly heavy. I accelerated but the car did not respond. I could also smell something strange. “Oh no,” I thought, “please don’t break down now!” I looked in the mirror and I noticed some smoke coming from the back of the car. “I think there’s something wrong with the car,” I said nervously to the examiner. “No, I don’t think so,” said the examiner. “I think you’ll find that you’ve got the hand brake on.”
6 Of course when we got back to the test center, the examiner said, “I’m afraid you haven’t passed the test.”
I 7 eventually passed on the third attempt.

2.       Number the events 1-11 in the order they happened.


They arrived at the test center.
I failed the test.
I filled up with petrol.
I forgot to take the handbrake off.
I parked.
I passed the test



I realized that the petrol tank was nearly empty.
I reversed around the corner.
I saw smoke.
I started the car.
My mother told me to fill up with petrol.


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