Sunday, October 18, 2015


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Going to is used when we talk about some future event that we are certain will occur based on the information we currently have.

(1)               What are these people going to be? Write sentences using the words in the box.

vet        actress        pilot        interpreter        chef        teacher     lawyer     athlete 

(A)   Frank is learning to fly. ______________________________________.
(B)   Mary loves children. ________________________________________.
(C)   Bob’s good at languages. ____________________________________.
(D)  Sue and Peter are studying law. _______________________________.
(E)   Maria’s at drama school. ____________________________________.
(F)    Anna loves animals. ________________________________________.
(G)  Bill cooks very well. ________________________________________.
(H)  Lisa can run very fast. ______________________________________.

(2)          Respond to each statement with a question. Use the words in brackets.

(A)   I’m very hungry. 
(What / you /eat?) _____________________________________________________?
(B)   We’re going to the cinema.
 (What / you / see?) ___________________________________________________?
(C)   Len’s coming for dinner tonight. 
(What / you / cook?) __________________________________________________?
(D)  Cathy’s going to university in March. 
(What / she / study?) __________________________________________________?
(E)   Jack and Pauline got engaged last week. 
(When / they / get married) _______________________________________________?
(F)    Sue’s not going by train.
 (She / fly?) ____________________________________________________________?
(G)  It’s my birthday next week. 
(you / have a party?). ____________________________________________________?
(H)  It’s cloudy. 
(it / rain?) _____________________________________________________________?


(1)               What are these people going to be? Write sentences using the words in the box.

vet        actress        pilot        interpreter        chef        teacher     lawyer     athlete 

(A)   Frank is learning to fly. He is going to be a pilot.
(B)   Mary loves children. She is going to be a teacher.
(C)     Bob’s good at languages. He is going to be an interpreter.
(D)  Sue and Peter are studying law. They are going to be lawyers.
(E)   Maria’s at drama school. She is going to be an actress.
(F)    Anna loves animals. She is going to be a vet.
(G)  Bill cooks very well. He is going to be a chef.
(H)  Lisa can run very fast. She is going to be an athlete.

(2)          Respond to each statement with a question. Use the words in brackets.

(A)     I’m very hungry. (What / you /eat?) What are you eating?
(B)     We’re going to the cinema. (What / you / see?) What are you going to see?
(C)     Len’s coming for dinner tonight. (What / you / cook?) What are you going to cook?
(D)     Cathy’s going to university in March. (What / she / study?) What is she going to study?
(E)      Jack and Pauline got engaged last week. (When / they / get married). When are they going to get married.
(F)      Sue’s not going by train. (She / fly?) Is she going to fly?
(G)     It’s my birthday next week. (you / have a party?). Are you going to have a party?
(H)     It’s cloudy. (it / rain?)  Is it going to rain?

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