Saturday, October 17, 2015


Answer the quiz questions about your competitive traits.

(A) Which of the following statements do you agree with?

(i)        Winning is everything!
(ii)     It’s not the winning that counts, it’s the taking part.
(iii)   We are in this world to help each other.

(B)  Which of the following would satisfy you?

(i)        Earning more than anyone else you know.
(ii)      Earning more than most of your friends.
(iii)     Earning enough to have a comfortable life.

(C)     You have just won $40,000 and need to buy a new car. Do you:

(i)        Spend $9,000 on a reliable car that will get you from A to B?
(ii)       Spend $16,000 on a middle- range car?
(iii)     Spend $40,000 on a top-of-the range car that will impress your friends?

(D)    If a colleague did something very successful, would you feel:

(i)        Pleased for him?
(ii)      Please for him, but a bit jealous?
(iii)   Very jealous and unhappy.

(E)     If you lose at something, do you.

(i)        Forget about it immediately?
(ii)       Think about it for a while?
(iii)     Never forget?

(F)      How do you feel when you win? Do you:

(i)        Boast about it and tell everyone?
(ii)       Feel good, but keep it to yourself?
(iii)     Feel sorry for the person who lost?

(G)    You are at the traffic lights next to another car. The lights change to green. Do you:

(i)      Let the other car go first?
(ii)     Move away slowly, without being aware of the other car?
(iii)   Try to be the first away?

(H)              What do you want for your children? Do you want them:

(i)        To be happy?
(ii)       To achieve more than you did?
(iii)     To be the best at everything?


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