Sunday, November 15, 2015


1.      Choose the most appropriate word or phrase:

(A)   It’s been a long time since / when I last saw you last.
(B)   I’ve seen Bill quite lately / from time to time.
(C)   Have you spoken to the director beforehand / already?
(D)   I’ve lived in the same house for years /forever.
(E)    I’ve read the paper now /still.
(F)    Diana’s bought a new computer two years / since then.
(G)  Nothing much has happened by now / so far.
(H)   I’ve finished reading her new book last / this evening.
(I)     Sue bought has bought a new phone and she’s been texting friends ever since / for a while.
(J)     Sorry, but I haven’t got that work finished already /yet.

2.       Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:

(A)   This matter is none of your business.
This matter does not __________________________________.
(B)   This bridge will take us three years to complete.
In three years’ time ___________________________________.
(C)   I haven’t seen Ann for years.
It’s year’s ______________________________________.
(D)   The dog keeps stealing my socks!
The dog is ____________________________.
(E)    After taking the pills I began to feel much better.
Since taking   _________________________________________.
(F)    We’ll have to leave immediately at the end of the film.
The moment  _________________________________________.
(G)  Harry had left before we reached the hotel.
By the time ____________________________________.
(H)   Is there such a place as Eldorado?
Does  __________________________________________.

3.       Choose the most appropriate word or phrase:

(A)   _________________________ we get to the theater, the play will have started.
(i)                  As soon as    (ii) Until       (iii) By the time     (iv) Whenever
(B)   What’s the matter? Haven’t you started ______________________?
(i)                  already         (ii) yet          (iii) by now            (iv) soon
(C)   The trouble with you is that you’re _______________________ complaining.
(i)                  forever         (ii) often      (iii) still                   (iv) each time
(D)   Can you remember what you were doing ___________________________?
(i)                  The time      (ii) usually   (iii) every day         (iv) at that time



1.      Choose the most appropriate word or phrase:

(A)   It’s been a long time since I last saw you last.
(B)   I’ve seen Bill from time to time.
(C)   Have you spoken to the director already?
(D)   I’ve lived in the same house for years.
(E)    I’ve read the paper now.
(F)    Diana’s bought a new computer since then.
(G)  Nothing much has happened so far.
(H)   I’ve finished reading her new book this evening.
(I)     Sue bought has bought a new phone and she’s been texting friends ever since.
(J)     Sorry, but I haven’t got that work finished yet.

2.       Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

(A)   This matter is none of your business.
This matter does not concern you.
(B)   This bridge will take us three years to complete.
In three years’ time this bridge will be ready.
(C)   I haven’t seen Ann for years.
Its years since I last saw Ann.
(D)   The dog keeps stealing my socks!
The dog is always robbing my socks.
(E)    After taking the pills I began to feel much better.
Since taking the pills I have felt better.
(F)    We’ll have to leave immediately at the end of the film.
The moment the film is over we need to leave.
(G)  Harry had left before we reached the hotel.
By the time we had reached the hotel, Harry had gone.
(H)   Is there such a place as Eldorado?
Does Eldorado exist?

3.       Choose the most appropriate word or phrase.

(A)    By the time we get to the theater, the play will have started.
(i)                 As soon as    (ii) Until       (iii) By the time     (iv) Whenever
(B)   What’s the matter? Haven’t you started yet?
(i)                  already         (ii) yet          (iii) by now            (iv) soon
(C)   The trouble with you is that you’re forever complaining.
(i)                 forever         (ii) often      (iii) still                   (iv) each time
(D)   Can you remember what you were doing at that time?
(i)                 the time      (ii) usually   (iii) every day         (iv) at that time


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