Wednesday, November 25, 2015

IN CASE (TWO) (Intermediate) (EXERCISE I80E227)

In case

In case expresses the possibility of something happening.
It is used to express the idea of doing something to avoid a possible problem later on.
It gives the reason for an action.

Take an umbrella in case it rains.
= There is a possibility that it will rain, so it's a good idea to take an umbrella.

1. Rewrite these sentences using “in case”.

(A)   When there is a chance that I’ll have to wait, I usually take my i-pad.

(B)   ­­­­­­­­­­­­­When there is a possibility that it will rain, I always take an umbrella.

(C)   I don’t always get time for lunch, so I have a big breakfast.

(D)   There is always the risk of running out of gas, so I always take a gas can.

(E)    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­It’s always possible that I’ll forget an important appointment, so I always check my calendar.

(F)    There was a chance that the banks would be closed, so I carried a credit card.

(G)  There were often identity checks, so I always kept my passport on me.

(H)   There is the possibility Ann will ring tonight, so I won’t go out. 

(L) There is a chance you won’t be able to find our house, so I have drawn a map.

(M) Perhaps we won’t have enough bread, so I will go to the supermarket.


1. Rewrite these sentences using “in case”.

(A)   When there is a chance that I’ll have to wait, I usually take my iPad.
I usually take my iPad, in case I have to wait.

(B)   ­­­­­­­­­­­­­When there is a possibility that it will rain, I always take an umbrella.
I usually take an umbrella in case it rains.

(C)   I don’t always get time for lunch, so I have a big breakfast.
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­In case I do not have time for lunch, I usually have a big breakfast.

(D)   There is always the risk of running out of gas, so I always take a gas can. 
        I always take a gas can in case I run out of gas.

(E)    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­It’s always possible that I’ll forget an important appointment, so I always check my calendar.
 I always check my calendar in case I forget an important appointment.

(F)    There was a chance that the banks would be closed, so I carried a credit card.
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­I carried a credit card in case the banks were closed.

(G)  There were often identity checks, so I always kept my passport on me.
       I always kept my passport on me in case there were security checks.

(H)   There is the possibility Ann will ring tonight, so I won’t go out.
       I won’t go out tonight in case Ann rings.

(L) There is a chance you won’t be able to find our house, so I have drawn a map. 
       In case you cannot find our house I have drawn a map.

(M) Perhaps we won’t have enough bread, so I will go to the supermarket.  
        In case we don’t have enough bread, I will go to the supermarket.

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