Thursday, December 17, 2015



1.       Translate the following words related to meals and restaurants into your native language:
(A)   Wine list: _________________  (G) House wine:  ­­­­­­­­­­_______________  
(B)   Bottle: ___________________  (H) Starter: ____________________
(C)   Corkscrew: _______________   (I) B.Y.O. ______________________
(D)   Fried: ___________________    (J) Corking fee: _________________
(E)    Silverware: _______________   (F) What sort of:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ________________

2.       Read and then practice the following conversation:
(At a restaurant)
Mr. Smith: I have a reservation. The name is Smith.
Waiter:       Good evening Mr. Smith. Your table is ready. Come this way please.
                     Would you like to look at the wine list?
Mr. Smith:  Yes, please.
Waiter:        Our house wine is excellent.
Mr. Smith:  Ok. I would like to try a bottle of your house wine, thank you.
Waiter:        Here is your menu.
Waiter:         Are you ready to order sir?
Mr. Smith:   Yes. I would like the salad.
Waiter:         What sort of salad would you like?
Mr. Smith:   The Caesar salad, please.
Mr. Smith: Can I have my bill, please?
Waiter:       Here you are sir. The account includes a 15% tipping fee and $2 corking fee.
Mr. Smith:  Here is my credit card.
Waiter:        Thank you. Did you enjoy your meal?
Mr. Smith:   Yes it was most enjoyable and the wine was excellent!


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