Thursday, December 17, 2015


Mike studied his reflection in the mirror. It was the same face that had been staring back three or four times per day since he was a little child. Sure it had changed over the years, but the alterations had been so gradual that he had not noticed them occurring.

Mike scrutinized his features more closely. Just above his left eye was a little scar. He shifted his head slightly in order to highlight its jagged edges a better. He liked to think of that scar as being his first battle wound. It had been the result of a school yard fight. After all these years he could still remember the fight as if it was yesterday. He had been eight years old at the time. It had been about wooden block connecting rods and involved Terry Watson. Mike remembered that there had been some mitigating circumstances; Terry was the teacher’s pet and his mother was beautiful! The fight had happened like this; Mike had been playing with some blocks with his class mates when he realized that the connecting robs used to hold the blocks together would serve the same purpose for his blocks at home too. When the other children weren’t looking, Mike slipped various into his pocket. Eventually the shortage of rods caused block construction to grind to a halt. When this happened everyone began to search for the missing items including Mike. Things began to heat up when Paul McDonald added fuel to the fire.

“I counted the rods before we started. There were 34. If you take into account the ones we have used and the ones we have left over, ten are missing. Someone here has stolen them,” Paul declared!

Mike knew that it would only be a matter of time before someone accused him and so he transferred three of the rods into Terry Watson’s pocket whole he was distracted.

“I think Terry has stolen them,” Mike shouted in an accusing voce!   

“No I haven’t,” cried Terry.

Mike continued to accuse him and soon the other children began to point their finger at him as well.

“Empty you pockets, Terry,” someone demanded.

Under protest, Terry obeyed. To this day Mike can still remember the look of shocked disbelief and dismay when Terry turned out his pockets to reveal three of the missing rods.

“I did not steal them,” Terry sobbed!

“Liar, liar, liar,” chanted Mike!

Soon the other children were joining in the chorus which made poor Terry Watson lose control. He homed in on Mike and a shoving match ensued. Mike hadn’t expected this and was caught completely off guard. Terry gave him a big shove causing him to lose his balance. His head struck the window shattering it, a sliver of glass slicing Mike’s face just above the eye. As luck would have it the teacher arrived at that precise moment and immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion. She accompanied Mike to the infirmary where he was subsequently taken to the doctor to have his face stitched, The teacher-aid dragged Terry protesting his innocence to the principal’s office. The principal promptly                                                                          suspended Terry for ten days.

At school the next day, Mike was treated as a hero! When Terry Watson returned to school on the other hand, he discovered he was no longer the teacher’s pet, nor did anyone want to be his friend anymore. The children began to call him “Sticky Fingers.” From that time on if anything went missing, Terry “Sticky Fingers” Watson was always accused. At the end of the term Terry’s parents transferred him, to another school where unfortunately his reputation preceded him. The last thing Mike had heard related to Terry was that he had entered into a deep depression had committed suicide.  Not that this worried Mike in the least.

The “rod incident” taught Mike some valuable lessons, not the least of which being, how easily people can be manipulated by someone like him without scruples.  He also learnt some valuable economic lessons. For example: “If people are silly enough to leave things unprotected within his reach, then they deserve to lose them, and who controls the supply of something, has power!”

Over the years Mike had used these valuable lessons to his advantage. This was why he was a rich. He was an expert in manipulating the supply and demand of things using insider information. The scam that started it all had occurred almost by accident. He had befriended a class collegue at university who he decided may have been of some use to him in the future. He never imagined how soon that was going to be. His pseudo-friend worked part time in the Tax Department and let slip one day that he had been photocopying some draft documents related to a 60%  tax increase on new caravans. A few days later Mike invited his friend to the pub with the sole purpose of getting him drunk in order to get more details about the tax increase. By the time the new tax was officially announced eight months later, Mike had bought every new caravan in the country he could get his hands on. Van retailers were  delighted to sell their stocks to Mike and weren’t in the least put out by his request to hold the caravans in their yards for a couple of months until he could arrange to have them picked up.   When the new  tax was announced on  caravans manufactured after that date, there was a rush to buy existing stocks. Within hours  Mike had sold all his caravans back to their orginal owners. The caravan retailers were so desperate to buy them back, Mike was able to charge abusive prices.

Mike returned his thoughts to his reflection in the mirror.

He focused on his full crop of gray hair. It gave him a refined elder statesman look. For some reason it attracted young beautiful women. He remembered when his first gray hair had appeared, his then wife had yanked it out. She received a swift slap across her face for her efforts. He needed have worried however as the hair had rapidly grown back and seemed to have called others. Within a few short months he was totally gray. His wife had tried to convince him to dye his black hair, but he resisted the idea. In fact, rather than changing his hair color he had found it easier simply to change his wife!

Mike distanced himself from the mirror a little in order to get a fuller view of his face.

“I really am extremely handsome,” he thought. “No wonder girls flock to me like bees to honey!”

“Look into your eyes,” a voice over Mikes shoulder instructed.

Mike had deep blue eyes. Of all the features God had given him, it was his eyes that were his biggest asset. People associated blue eyes with the figure of Christ. The fact that it would have been almost impossible for Jesus, a native of Galilee, to have had blue eyes seemed to escape the attention of most people. Blue was the color of purity, honesty and trustworthiness. How Mike had  used this blessing to cheat hundreds of people over the years! It just took one flash of his eyes and the words; “You can trust me,” and people melted in his hands. People were really just like sheep waiting to be                                                       led to the slaughter. And he was the slaughter man!

“Look into your eyes …. not at them,” the voice over his shoulder snarled!

Mike hesitated and then followed the command.

If eyes are the windows into ones soul, then this was precisely the reason Mike never looked directly into his own eyes. He was afraid of what he might see! But as on this occasion he had been ordered to do so, he began to gaze into the eyes reflected in the mirror.

His reflected eyes seemed to draw him deep into a tunnel. First the tunnel was blue and comforting, but as he was pulled ever deeper  the tunnel turned gray and then black. He heard death curdling screams, the grinding of teeth and  some of his father’s last words.

“Son,” he had said. “Take care in what you do. One day you will be held responsible for your actions.”

From somewhere across the years Mike’s response echoed back;

“You pathetic old fool! Look at you! You spent 40 years working in the same dead end job; living just above the poverty line while being exploited by your employer. He got rich while you lived in misery. Where did your good works and your church going ever get you?”

A vision flashed in front of Mike. It was one of his father’s dying moments. His last grasps for breath, and then the smile that illuminated his face as his spirit left him. This was followed by images of all the people Mike had swindled through the years. It lasted for some time as there had been many. Finally he saw images of himself in grotesque poses being devoured alive!

With a start Mike jolted back to reality. He was covered in sweat! It took him sometime for him to realize he had been day dreaming and a little longer for his racing heart to return to its normal rhythm.

Mike found himself admiring himself in the mirrors  again.

“God how handsome and intelligent I am,” he proclaimed out loud to no one in particular!

Mike changed the angle of the mirror a little in order to catch a glimpse of all the money he had spread out on his bed which he had just robbed from his latest victim.  To his horror instead of seeing a reflection of money, he saw another image!

The Devil took back his mirror and said to Mike;

“Let’s go!”

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