Sunday, February 9, 2014


1. Reorder the words to make questions.

    (A)  about     are   talking    what   you  _____________________________________________?
    (B)  does       mean    this    what  word _____________________________________________?
    (C)  been      brother       going       has      her      how      long      out       with      your
    (D) did     film    finish    the    time   what _________________________________________ _?
    (E) born   parents   in     London    were   your  _______________________________________?
    (F) do   kind   listen   music  of   too   what    you ____________________________________?

2. Put the adverbs in the correct place.

(A)  A: What do you do on your day off? (usually)
B: Nothing much. I sleep until noon. (always)
(B)  A: Do you go out on Saturday night? (usually)
B: Yes, I do. (often)

(C)  A: Do you drive to work? (usually)
B: No, I drive to work. (never)  I take the bus. (always)

(D)  A: What do you do after work?
B: I meet friends for a drink   (often) or I go straight home. (sometimes)

(E)   A: Do you get much exercise? (usually)
B: Yes, I play tennis after work. (sometimes) And on Sundays, I go to the gym. (often)
3. Put the prepositions from the box into each gap.

from      like    than     in      at     for      of       on

(A)  Can you buy a bottle _______ coke at the shops?
(B)  What have we got __________ dinner?
(C)  Our hotel is fifty meters __________ the sea.
(D)  What is the longest river ________ the world?
(E)   France is much bigger _________ England.
(F)   I’m looking ______ Jane. Do you know where she is?
(G)  Look ________ that picture! Isn’t it beautiful?
(H)  Marmalade is __________ jam, but it’s made from oranges.
(I)     Come and see me _______ seven o’clock.
(J)    What did you do __________ the weekend?
(K)  __________ Saturday night we went to a party.
(L)   We went shopping ________ the morning.


1. Reorder the words to make questions.

    (A)  about     are   talking    what   you       What are you talking about?
    (B)  does       mean    this    what  word       What does this word mean?
    (C)  been      brother       going       has      her      how      long      out       with      your
           How long has your brother been going out with her?
    (D) did     film    finish    the    time   what    What time did the film finish?
    (E) born   parents   in     London    were   your     Where your parent born in London?
    (F) do   kind   listen   music  of   too   what  you  What kind of music do you listen too?

2. Put the adverbs in the correct place.

(A)  A: What do you usually do on your day off? (usually)
B: Nothing much. I always sleep until noon. (always)
(B)  A: Do you usually go out on Saturday night? (usually)
B: Yes, I often do. (often)

(C)  A: Do you usually drive to work? (usually)
B: No, I never drive to work. (never)  I always take the bus. (always)

(D)  A: What do you do after work?
B: I often meet friends for a drink   (often) or I sometimes go straight home. (sometimes)

(E)   A: Do you usually get much exercise? (usually)
B: Yes, I sometimes play tennis after work. (sometimes) And on Sundays, I often go to the gym. (often)
3. Put the prepositions from the box into each gap.

from      like    than     in      at     for      of       on

(A)  Can you buy a bottle of coke at the shops?
(B)  What have we got for dinner?
(C)  Our hotel is fifty meters from the sea.
(D)  What is the longest river in the world?
(E)   France is much bigger then England.
(F)   I’m looking for Jane. Do you know where she is?
(G)  Look at that picture! Isn’t it beautiful?
(H)  Marmalade is like jam, but it’s made from oranges.
(I)     Come and see me at seven o’clock.
(J)    What did you do on the weekend?
(K)  On Saturday night we went to a party.
(L)   We went shopping in the morning.


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