Sunday, February 9, 2014


Match the resturant vocaburary on the left with their meanings on the right.


A sauce added to salads.
A chef

French cuisine, as well as in the English-speaking world (except for the United States and parts of Canada), it is a dish served before the main course of a meal.

A list of dishes available in a restaurant.

A large fish with silvery skin and pinkish meat.
Well-done / medium-rare / rare

To include (in a meal).

A small dish at the beginning of a meal, a starter.
An entree

A skilled cook
A menu

A small onion-like herb commonly added to potatoes.

A kind of soup usually containing fish and vegetables.
Comes with

Adjectives used to describe ways of preparing meat:    well done = fully cooked.   medium-rare = slightly pink
rare = very pink

Use the above vocabulary to fill in the blanks in the following conversation.

Waitress:  Good evening, are you ready to order, or do you need a little more time?
Tim:          Yes, I'm ready to order.
Waitress:  Did you notice on our ______________________ that we have two seafood specials
                 tonight. One is poached ______________________ and the other is grilled shark.
Tim:          That sounds really good, but I think I am going to start with the shrimp cocktail           
                  ______________________. And as for my ______________________, I think I'll
                  have the New York steak.
Waitress:   And, how would you like that steak?
Tim:           I'd like that ____________. I don't like it when the meat is even a little pink.
Waitress:   I'll make sure the ______________________ prepares it just the way you like it.
                  The New York steak ______________________ mashed potatoes, a baked potato,
                  or steak fries.
Tim:           I'll take the baked potato.
Waitress:   Would you like sour cream or ______________________ on that?
Tim:           I'll have sour cream.
Waitress:   Your meal also includes a choice of soup or salad.
Tim:           What is the soup today?
Waitress:   Clam ______________________ or chicken vegetable.
Tim:           I think I'll have the salad instead.
Waitress:   What kind of ______________________ would you like?

Tim:           Blue cheese. 


Match the resturant vocaburary on the left with their meanings on the right.

A sauce added to salads.
A chef
French cuisine, as well as in the English-speaking world (except for the United States and parts of Canada), it is a dish served before the main course of a meal.
A list of dishes available in a restaurant.
A large fish with silvery skin and pinkish meat.
Well-done / medium-rare / rare
To include (in a meal).
A small dish at the beginning of a meal, a starter.
An entree
A skilled cook
A menu
A small onion-like herb commonly added to potatoes.
A kind of soup usually containing fish and vegetables.
Comes with
Adjectives used to describe ways of preparing meat:    well done = fully cooked.   medium-rare = slightly pink
rare = very pink

Use the above vocabulary to fill in the blanks in the following conversation.

Waitress: Good evening, are you ready to order, or do you need a little more time?
Tim: Yes, I'm ready to order.
Waitress: Did you notice on our menu that we have two seafood specials tonight. One is poached salmon and the other is grilled shark.
Tim: That sounds really good, but I think I am going to start with the shrimp cocktail appetizer. And as for my entree, I think I'll have the New York steak.
Waitress: And, how would you like that steak?
Tim: I'd like that well done. I don't like it when the meat is even a little pink.
Waitress: I'll make sure the chef prepares it just the way you like it. The New York steak comes with mashed potatoes, a baked potato, or steak fries.
Tim: I'll take the baked potato.
Waitress: Would you like sour cream or chives on that?
Tim: I'll have sour cream.
Waitress: Your meal also includes a choice of soup or salad.
Tim: What is the soup today?
Waitress: Clam chowder or chicken vegetable.
Tim: I think I'll have the salad instead.
Waitress: What kind of dressing would you like?
Tim: Blue cheese. 


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