Sunday, February 9, 2014



 Match the restaurant vocabulary on the left with their meanings on the right.


A sauce added to salads.
A chef

French cuisine, as well as in the English-speaking world (except for the United States and parts of Canada), it is a dish served before the main course of a meal.

A list of dishes available in a restaurant.

A large fish with silvery skin and pinkish meat.
Well-done / medium-rare / rare

To include (in a meal).

A small dish at the beginning of a meal, a starter.
An entree

A skilled cook
A menu

A small onion-like herb commonly added to potatoes.

A kind of soup usually containing fish and vegetables.
Comes with

Adjectives used to describe ways of preparing meat:    well done = fully cooked.   medium-rare = slightly pink
rare = very pink

Use the above vocabulary to fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

1. She always has Italian ______________________ on her salad.

2. Gerrie doesn't like most kinds of fish, but she does like _____________________.

3. Keith's mom makes the best fish ______________________ I have ever tasted.  
    She uses shark, corn, potatoes, carrots, onions and peppers.

4. I like my baked potatoes with butter. I don't like sour cream and _____________.

5. Gene is studying at a school in Paris to become a ______________________. He    
    hopes to run his own restaurant.

6. The steak was prepared very ____________________. It looked like they hadn't
     even cooked  it.

7. That Chinese restaurant has a fantastic selection of dishes on their ___________.

8. The meal ______________________ soup or salad and a dessert afterwards.

9. The ______________________ at that restaurant are huge. There is no reason to  
     order side  dishes or dessert.

10.Buffalo wings, potato skins, and shrimp cocktail are all famous American

Doggie Bag
In some countries if you cannot eat all the food you are served at a restaurant you can ask for a “doggie bag”. This is a bag used for carrying home left over food to be supposedly fed to your dog so as not waste it. In fact you will reheat it and eat it yourself later.


Match the restaurant vocabulary on the left with their meanings on the right.

A sauce added to salads.
A chef
French cuisine, as well as in the English-speaking world (except for the United States and parts of Canada), it is a dish served before the main course of a meal.
A list of dishes available in a restaurant.
A large fish with silvery skin and pinkish meat.
Well-done / medium-rare / rare
To include (in a meal).
A small dish at the beginning of a meal, a starter.
An entree
A skilled cook
A menu
A small onion-like herb commonly added to potatoes.
A kind of soup usually containing fish and vegetables.
Comes with
Adjectives used to describe ways of preparing meat:    well done = fully cooked.   medium-rare = slightly pink
rare = very pink

Use the above vocabulary to fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

1. She always has Italian dressing on her salad.
2. Gerrie doesn't like most kinds of fish, but she does like salmon.
3. Keith's mom makes the best fish chowder I have ever tasted. She uses shark,
    corn, potatoes, carrots, onions and peppers.
4. I like my baked potatoes with butter. I don't like sour cream and chives.
5. Gene is studying at a school in Paris to become a chef. He hopes to run his
    own restaurant.
6. The steak was prepared very rare. It looked like they hadn't even cooked  it.
7. That Chinese restaurant has a fantastic selection of dishes on their menu.
8. The meal came with soup or salad and a dessert afterwards.
9. The entree at that restaurant are huge. There is no reason to order side
    dishes or dessert.
10.Buffalo wings, potato skins, and shrimp cocktail are all famous American appetizers.

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