Thursday, February 13, 2014



1. Use one or more words (see box) to complete this conversation between a waiter and a customer.

would    please     take     I would like    you like something to    all     please      type of   I  want   

    A: May I ______________ your order, please?
    B: Yes, _____________ a steak, please. I would like it well done.
    A: And _____________you like a salad?
    B: Yes, ______________.
    A: What _________________ dressing would you like?
    B: French, please.
    A: Would ______________________ drink?
    B: Yes, __________________ coffee, ______________.
    A: Anything else?
    B: No, that’ll be ___________, thanks.

2. Translate into your language the following foods.

(A)  Baked fish  _________________    (E)  Chocolate cake _____________________
(B)  Beans         _________________     (F)  Ice cream          _____________________
(C)  Sweet corn _________________     (G)  French fries      _____________________
(D)  Carrots      __________________    (H)  Fresh peas        _____________________

3. Read this description of what usually happens when you eat at a restaurant.            
    Number the sentences from 1-11 in the order each event usually happens.

    ______   The cook prepares your meal.
    ______    The waiter or waitress brings you a menu.
    ______    The waiter or waitress brings your check, and then you pay the bill and leave.
         1         The host or hostess greets you.
    ______    The waiter or waitress then brings your meal.
    ______    You look through the menu and decide what you want to eat and drink.
    ______    Then he or she takes the order to the kitchen.
    ______    When you are ready to leave, you ask for the check.
    ______    The waiter or waitress writes down your order.
    ______    Someone takes you to a table, and you sit down.
    ______    You eat your meal and then have dessert if you want.



1. Use one or more words (see box) to complete this conversation between a waiter 
    and a customer.

would    please     take     I would like    you like something to    all     please      type of   I  want   

    A: May I take your order, please?
    B: Yes, I would like a steak, please. I would like it well done.
    A: And would you like a salad?
    B: Yes, please.
    A: What type of  dressing would you like?
    B: French, please.
    A: Would you like something to drink?
    B: Yes, I would like coffee, please.
    A: Anything else?
    B: No, that’ll be all, thanks.

2. Translate into your language the following foods.

(A)  Baked fish  _________________    (E)  Chocolate cake _____________________
(B)  Beans         _________________     (F)  Ice cream          _____________________
(C)  Sweet corn _________________     (G)  French fries      _____________________
(D)  Carrots      __________________    (H)  Fresh peas        _____________________

3. Read this description of what usually happens when you eat at a restaurant. Number the
    sentences from 1-11 in the order each event usually happens.

               The cook prepares your meal.
          3       The waiter or waitress brings you a menu.
        11       The waiter or waitress brings your check, and then you pay the bill and leave.
          1       The host or hostess greets you.
          8       The waiter or waitress then brings your meal.
                You look through the menu and decide what you want to eat and drink.
    ­     6       Then he or she takes the order to the kitchen.
         10      When you are ready to leave, you ask for the check.
          5       The waiter or waitress writes down your order.
          2        Someone takes you to a table, and you sit down.
                 You eat your meal and then have dessert if you want.

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