Saturday, September 12, 2015


1.       Spelling of the comparative forms of adjectives:

For one-syllable adjectives spelled with a final consonant add  –er:      cheap – cheaper       cold  - colder     fast - faster

For one-syllable adjectives spelled with a final vowel add – r:                nice – nicer        wide  - wider       finer - finer

For one-syllable adjectives spelled with a final “y” drop the “ y” and add –ier:              dirty - dirtier      dry - drierFor one-syllable adjectives spelled with a final consonant which has been preceded by a consonant and vowel, double the final consonant and add –er:     hot – hotter    sad - sadder

Write the comparative form of the below adjectives:

(A)   Big  _____________   (E) friendly ______________ (I) noisy ____________
(B)   Busy ____________   (F) high _________________ (J) safe ___________­__
(C)   Cool ____________   (G) large ________________ (K) warm __________­_
(D)   Dry _____________  (H) long _________________ (L) wet _____________
 2.       Spelling of the superlative forms of adjectives:
A superlative adjective is used to compare three or more objects, people, or places.

For a one-syllable word simply add the suffix –est to the word:
Long-longest          Big – Biggest

If the one syllable word ends with an “e” you only need to add an –st:

If a two-syllable word ends with a “y” then change the “y” to “i” and add –est:
Pretty – prettiest

Words that contain two or three syllables are preceded by the words most or least:
The cheapest    The most expensive
           Write the superlative form of the below adjectives:
(A)   Big  _____________   (E) friendly ______________ (I) noisy ____________
(B)   Busy ____________   (F) high _________________ (J) safe ___________­__
(C)   Cool ____________   (G) large ________________ (K) warm __________­_
(D)   Dry _____________  (H) long _________________ (L) wet _____________


1.      Write the comparative form of the below adjectives:

(A)   Big -  bigger        (E) friendly – friendlier     (I) noisy - nosier
(B)   Busy - busier       (F) high - higher                (J) safe – safer
(C)   Cool – cooler       (G) large – larger              (l) warm – warmer
(D)   dry – drier             (H) long – longer             (L) wet - wetter
  1. Spelling of the superlative forms of adjectives:
            Write the superlative form of the below adjectives:
(A)   Big - biggest        (E) friendly  - the most friendly      (I) noisy – nosiest
(B)   Busy – busiest     (F) high – highest                              (J) safe – safest
(C)   Cool – coolest     (G) large - largest                              (K) warm – warmest

(D)   Dry – driest         (L) long – longest                               (L) wet – wettest 

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