Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Complete the phrases with the correct prepositions from the box below.

in    with    into      down     to      out     into     behind     in     to    of      in     away   on  into   by    in     up    to     for

(1)    In summer at dawn the birds break __________ song.
(2)    Modern life is so complicated I wouldn’t mind being cast __________ on a desert island.
(3)    The bankrupt company had got so far _____________ with its debt payments that there was no hope of its meeting its commitments.
(4)    He told his secretary to hold the reports ____________ readiness in case we the committee needed to inspect them.
(5)    The managing director put the case __________ expansion in Asia  to the company’s shareholders.  
(6)    The inhabitants of a small community are more likely to take pride ________ its appearance than those who live in a large city.
(7)    Salesmanship comes naturally to the New Yorker: it runs ________ their blood.
(8)    The manager demanded a rise in salary ________ compensate for his new   responsibilities.
(9)     If you bear _________ me a moment longer you will understand what I mean.
(10) Summer heat is not conductive _________ hard mental work.
(11) The lookout saw that the Titanic was bearing ___________ on the iceberg.
(12) Who can be indifferent ___________ the glory that was Rome?
(13) As far as his opponents are concerned, a dictator is likely to take the law _______ his own hands.
(14) The shortage took us ___________ surprise and we had no time to arrange alternative supplies.
(15) The government can find no painless way to hold inflation ________ check.
(16) While the sales director was away on holiday, the sales office got ________ a mess.
(17) I had to resign. I could not get _________ with the boss!
(18) The injured man was done _________. He was going to die.
(19) In the warm spring sunshine, the plants came  ________ quickly.
(20) The publisher threw a big party when the author’s new book came __________.



Complete the phrases with the correct prepositions from the box below:

in       with    into      down     to      out     into     behind     in     to    of      in     away   on  into   by    in     up    to     for

(1)    In summer at dawn the birds break into song.
(2)    Modern life is so complicated I wouldn’t mind being cast away on a desert island.
(3)    The bankrupt company had got so far behind with its debt payments that there was no hope of its meeting its commitments.
(4)    He told his secretary to hold the reports in readiness in case we the committee needed to inspect them.
(5)    The managing director put the case of expansion in Asia to the company’s shareholders.  
(6)    The inhabitants of a small community are more likely to take pride in its appearance than those who live in a large city.
(7)    Salesmanship comes naturally to the New Yorker: it runs in their blood.
(8)    The manager demanded a rise in salary to compensate for his new   responsibilities.
(9)     If you bear with me a moment longer you will understand what I mean.
(10) Summer heat is not conductive to hard mental work.
(11) The lookout saw that the Titanic was bearing down on the iceberg.
(12) Who can be indifferent to the glory that was Rome?
(13) As far as his opponents are concerned, a dictator is likely to take the law into his own hands.
(14) The shortage took us by surprise and we had no time to arrange alternative supplies.
(15) The government can find no painless way to hold inflation in check.
(16) While the sales director was away on holiday, the sales office got into a mess.
(17) I had to resign. I could not get on with the boss!
(18) The injured man was done for. He was going to die.
(19) In the warm spring sunshine, the plants came up quickly.
(20) The publisher threw a big party when the author’s new book came out.


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