Monday, December 7, 2015


1.    Choose the correct letter to fill the blanks:

(A)   ___________________ in a house where to parent work is a difficult task indeed.
(i)     Children brought up     (ii) To bring up children   (iii) Bringing up children
(B)   There has not yet been any decision _______________ will represent the country at the Olympics.
(i)   concerned athletes chosen  (ii) as to which athletes  (iii) those athletes
(C)   __________________ Shakespeare was also a prolific writer of sonnets.
(i)   Noting for his plays   (ii) Famous for his plays  (iii) Noted for his plays
(D)   The concord, which is _______________ jet, can reach New York from London in 2.5 hours.
(i)     fastest in the world      (ii) the fastest of the world        (iii) the world’s fastest
(E)    Scientist’s ______________ the existence of nano-technology capable of computation at the atomic level.
(i)     newly developed  (ii) have recently developed    (iii) have still developed
(F)    _________________ is portrayed in Hermann Hesse’s “Steppenwolf”.
(i)   Man searching his soul (ii) A man searching his soul (iii) A man in search of his                      
(G)  Despite ______________, Jack continued to lose weight.
(i)     he increased his food intake (ii) increasing food intake (iii) increase food intake
(H)   Singer and entertainer, _________________for his beautiful and expressive voice.
(i)   Was Frank Sinatra famous (ii) famous was Frank Sinatra (iii) Frank Sinatra was                                
2.    Circle the correct answer:

(A)   A: How’s the new project going?
B: Great. _________________.
(i)   I can’t get hold of anyone (ii) It’s gone through the roof (iii) It’s been given the       
                                                                                                            green light
(B)   A: Why do you read so many business magazines?
B: _____________________.
(i)     To get hold of him (ii) To go through the roof (iii) To keep up to date

(C)   I attend a lot of conferences in order __________________.
(i)     to get hold of him  (ii) to flog a dead horse       (iii) to keep up to date

(D)   A: How’s the new project going?
B: Bad. ______________________.
(i)     We’re flogging a dead horse (ii) It’s going through the roof (iii) To flog a dead

1.    Choose the correct letter to fill the blanks:

(A)   Bringing up children in a house where to parent work is a difficult task indeed.
(i)  Children brought up     (ii) To bring up children   (iii) Bringing up children

(B)   There has not yet been any decision as to which athletes will represent the country at the Olympics.
(i)     concerned athletes chosen  (ii) as to which athletes  (iii) those athletes

(C)   Noted for his plays, Shakespeare was also a prolific writer of sonnets.
(i)   Noting for his plays   (ii) Famous for his plays  (iii) Noted for his plays

(D)   The concord, which is the world’s fastest jet, can reach New York from London in 2.5 hours.
(i)     fastest in the world      (ii) the fastest of the world        (iii) the world’s fastest

(E)    Scientists’ have recently developed the existence of nano-technology capable of computation at the atomic level.
(i)     newly developed  (ii) have recently developed    (iii) have still developed

(F)    A man in search of his soul is portrayed in Hermann Hesse’s “Steppenwolf”.
(i)   Man searching his soul (ii) A man searching his soul (iii) A man in search of his                  
(G)  Despite increasing food intake, Jack continued to lose weight.
(i)     he increased his food intake (ii) increasing food intake (iii) increase food intake

(H)   Singer and entertainer, Frank Sinatra was famous for his beautiful and expressive voice.
(i)     was Frank Sinatra famous (ii) famous was Frank Sinatra (iii) Frank Sinatra was                                
2.    Circle the correct answer:

(A)   A: How’s the new project going?
B: Great. It’s been given the green light.
(i)     I can’t get hold of anyone (ii) It’s gone through the roof (iii) It’s been given the       
                                                                                                            green light
(B)   A: Why do you read so many business magazines?
B: To keep up to date.
(i)   To get hold of him (ii) To go through the roof (iii) To keep up to date

(C)   I attend a lot of conferences in order to keep up to date.
(i)   to get hold of him  (ii) to flog a dead horse       (iii) to keep up to date
(D)   A: How’s the new project going?
B: Bad. We’re flogging a dead horse.
(i)   We’re flogging a dead horse (ii) It’s going through the roof (iii) To flog a dead


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